Prof. GU, Daqing (顧大慶)
Emeritus Professor

DSc (ETH Zurich)
MArch (SEU)
BArch (SEU)
3943 6573
Gu Daqing completed his basic architectural education at Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), became interested in architectural education during his master’s study and later went to ETH-Z to receive his further training as a design teacher. His doctoral thesis was about the formation of the design studio and the evolution of design pedagogy. Before arriving at CUHK in 1994, he taught in both Nanjing and Zurich.
Gu Daqing teaches tectonics, visual studies and design theory. He taught first year design foundation course from 1994 to 2000 and first year course on graphics and visual studies from 1994 to 2003. Between 2001 and 2009 he was the coordinator of the Tectonic Studio, where he and his colleagues has developed a new studio program, Tectonic Lab. He began to teach the new foundation courses, Studio U1 from 2009 and Studio U2 from 2012. In this pedagogic experiment, he tries to integrate, consolidate and further develop the previous explorations into a new package.
Gu Daqing has involved in the study of Hong Kong modern architecture for over decades. His main research interest is on the design achievements of Hong Kong Modern Architecture. With several government grants, he has completed studies on Hong Kong public housing, police housing project, major public buildings such as Central Market, the Central Government Offices, etc.
In recent years, Gu Daqing has collaborated with The National Supervision Board of Architectural Education (China) on the further education of design teachers for the mainland universities. Since 2011, The NSBAE Workshop on Design Pedagogy has run for six consecutive years with total 300 participants from more than 50 architectural schools.
Research Interests
His main research interests are: 1) architectural education including different models of architectural education and the history, and contemporary issues of Chinese architectural education; 2) design pedagogy and programme development; 3) design theory including Beaux-Arts composition, relationship between modern painting and architecture, visual studies, and tectonics; and 4) the design achievements of Hong Kong’s modern architecture and public housing.
Book and book chapter
1, GU Daqing,《崇基早期校園建築——香港華人建築師的現代建築實踐》 Chung Chi Original Campus Architecture — Hong Kong Chinese Architects’ Practice of Modern Architecture, Hong Kong: Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011.
2, GU Daqing. “An Outline of Beaux-Arts Education in China — Transplantation, Localization, and Entrenchment”, Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts, ed. by Jeffrey Cody, Nancy Steinhardt, and Tony Atkin, Honolulu and Hong Kong: University of Hawaii Press and Hong Kong University Press, 2011, pp. 73-90.
3, GU Daqing & BERTIN Vito, 《空間,建構與設計》 Space, Tectonics and Design, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press,2011.
4, GU Daqing & BERTIN Vito, 《建築設計入門》 Introduction to Architectural Design, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press,2010.
5, GU Daqing, 〈中國建築教育的歷史沿革及基本特點〉(The Historical Evolution of Chinese Architectural Education and Its Basic Characteristics), in 《中國建築60年(1949–2009): 歷史理論研究》,ed. by Zhu Jianfei, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2009, pp. 192–200
6, BERTIN Vito, GU Daqing & Woo Pui Leng,《香港集裝箱建築》 Vernacular Contained, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press,2004.
7, GU Daqing and BERTIN Vito Daniel, “The Tectonic Studio — Design Studio as a Scholarly Work”. Re-imaging Architectural Design Studios, ed. by Mao-Lin Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan: Archidata Co. Ltd, 2006, pp. 126-141
8, GU Daqing, 《設計與視知覺》 Design and Visual Perception, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2002.
Journal articles
1, GU Daqing,〈范文照建築師與香港崇基學院的校園設計〉(Architect Robert Fan and the Design of Chung Chi College Campus, Hong Kong), 《時代建築》 Time+Architecture, Shanghai: Tongji University, issue: 144, 2015/4, pp. 124-135
2, GU Daqing, Vito Bertin, Woo Puileng 〈大象無形——香港現代建築個案研究之中環街市〉(The Greatest Form has no Shape: The case study of Hong Kong Modern Architecture, Central Market), 《時代建築》 Time+Architecture, Shanghai: Tongji University, issue: 143, 2015/3, pp. 128-137
3, GU Daqing, 〈集體記憶的保留,設計傳統的延續——20世紀40年代~70年代香港現代建築設計成就的研究〉(The Retention of Collective Memories, the Continuity of a Design Tradition), 《時代建築》 Time+Architecture, Shanghai: Tongji University, issue: 142, 2015/2, pp. 118-123
4, GU Daqing, 〈一個基本建築學的讀本——參觀休寧雙龍小學有感〉(A Basic Architecture Textbook—Thoughts on Visiting Shuanglong Elementary School in Xiuning of Huangshan), 《建築學報》 Architectural Journal, Beijing: The Architectural Society of China, No. 533, 01.2013, pp. 01-05
5, GU Daqing, 〈建築教育的核心價值——個人探索與時代特徵〉(The Essence of Architectural Education—Personnel Exploration and the Characteristics of a Time), 《時代建築》 Time+Architecture, Shanghai: Tongji University, issue: 126, 2012/4, pp. 16-23
6, GU Daqing. “Affordability as the Inspiration of Design for Public Housing: A Preliminary Study on the Design Characteristics of Early Public Housing in Hong Kong”, 《時代建築》 Time+Architecture, Shanghai: Tongji University, issue: 120, 07.2011, pp. 50-55
7, GU Daqing. “Drawing, Making, Building and Tectonics: A Critical Reflection on the Concept of Construction in Design teaching Based on a Personal Experience”, 《新建築》 New Architecture, Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 08.2011, issue 4, pp. 10-14.
8, GU Daqing. “Architect Robert Fan Wenzhao and the Design of Chung Chi College Campus — A Case Study of the Mainland Migrant Architects Working in Hong Kong in the 1950s”, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, Higher Education Press and Springer – Verlag, 12.2010. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 456-464. Weblink:
Research Projects
1, GU Daqing, A Theoretical Study of Design Pedagogy: Exercise, Project, and Program, reference: CUHK443812
2, China’s Architectural Education at the Turning Point — Its origins, evolutions, characteristics, and challenges, reference: CUHK444711
3, GU Daqing (PI), Vito BERTIN, ZHU Jingxiang, and Nelson TAM, Architectural Design in Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 1970s — A Topical and Case Study Approach, reference: CUHK444610
4, GU Daqing (PI), Vito BERTIN & ZHU Jingxiang, A Study of the Design Achievements of Hong Kong’s Modern Architecture from the 1940s to the 1970s, reference: 4468/06H
Advised Theses
LEUNG Chui Shan, Ellie, “Mushroom Pavilion 2.0,” 2015-16
WONG Yan Lam, Joyce, “Vertical Urban Church,” 2015-16
LI Huagang, “Rebuild for Retention,” 2014-15
CHEN Yongqi, “Zhongshan North Railway Station,” 2014-15
ZHOU Xiao, “From Figure to Space,” 2014-15