Sexual Harassment Scenarios
Comments with sexual innuendoes

A few students tell sex-related jokes and make disparaging remarks about the female body, in the presence of other classmates. The classmates find it highly offensive.
Unwanted invitations

A female student is very fond of Professor Wong. She attempts to make a date with him, despite being told "No" each time. Professor Wong feels annoyed and offended.
Displays of offensive or pornographic materials such as photos, posters or texts

In an activity, a group of students display sexually obscene banners and shout pornographic slogans.
Sexual comments or jokes

A teacher uses sexually suggestive jokes in teaching a subject not related to sex that makes the students in his class upset and embarrassed.
Staring or leering at a person or at parts of his/her body

At the swimming pool, a male student runs his eyes lasciviously over the body of a female student in a swimsuit, causing her to feel embarrassed and annoyed.
Offensive communications of a sexual nature (letters, phone calls, faxes, e-mail messages, etc.)

A student downloads some pornographic photos from the internet and forwards them to his classmates.