If you are a supervisor and manager

If you are a supervisor and manager

1. What is your role in the prevention of sexual harassment in the area for which you are responsible?

It is important for staff who have leadership and management roles and may be the first point of contact for a staff or student concerned about sexual harassment to familiarize themselves with the University's policy and procedure against sexual harassment and take practical steps in your workplace or learning environment to prevent sexual harassment and create a supportive atmosphere.

As a supervisor or manager, you can make a difference:

•   Be a role model
Nurture a sexual harassment-free workplace and/or learning environment
Communicate the University's policy against sexual harassment clearly
Take each complaint seriously and respond promptly
Enhance awareness of colleagues and students
Receive regular training on gender equality and prevention of sexual harassment
2. What can you do to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in your workplace/ learning environment?
3. What can you do to respond to incidents of sexual harassment?
4. What acts may constitute sexual harassment?
5. What do you need to know about the University's procedures for dealing with sexual harassment?

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