Open for Application - Sponsorship Programme on Preventing Sexual Harassment
The Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment initiated the sponsorship programme, aiming to encourage individual CUHK students, staff and student unions or associations to organize activities for promoting the understanding of issues in relation to the prevention of sexual harassment. It is hoped that the funded activities will enhance CUHK community, including staff and students, the awareness of the need to eliminate sexual harassment and foster positive attitudes towards gender equality and mutual respect. The funded activities should cover at least one of the following three themes:
> Preventing sexual harassment
> Promoting equal opportunities and gender equality
> Fostering a gender friendly environment
Since its launch in 2008, the Committee has funded over 120 organizations. Applications will be accepted throughout the year. The maximum funding limit for each successful application is $5,000. Applicants should submit their application at least 30 days before the starting date of the proposed activity.