Course Details
Course Code : ELTU2005
Unit : 3
Level : 2
Coordinator :
Dr LIU Ngar Fun
Speaking and Presenting like TED
Course Description

The course aims to save long-suffering students and teachers from boring academic presentations by inspiring students to speak and present more like TED. The course adopts a learning-by-doing approach: students are expected to come to class prepared to share their critical analyses of TED talks and present ideas in their respective academic discipline. More importantly, students should be prepared to try out alternative ways of presenting which may not conform to the presentation norms in their discipline. Students will teach each other by: a) analyzing the content, delivery, language, design and use of visuals in TED talks; a) analyzing the content, delivery, language, design and use of visuals in TED talks; b) presenting their critical analyses in class; c) applying the results of the analyses in mini-presentations; d) creating strategies to deal with discipline-specific norms; and e) evaluating and giving feedback to each other. Advisory: For students with above-average listening and speaking proficiency in English, e.g., DSE 4 or above.

Prerequisite Course(s)
Alternative For
Elective For