In our rapidly changing society, creativity and flexibility are highly valued and embraced. This trend is reflected vividly in the English Language Teaching (ELT) context, where catering to the growing diversity of learners has become a real challenge. This conference provides a platform for ELT practitioners and other interested parties in the field to share their insights and experiences on the design, development, and implementation of innovative and novel approaches to learning and teaching English as a second / foreign language at the tertiary level. Through sharing and exchanging ideas, participants can reflect on their own current practices and explore alternative ways to enrich / complement / supplement their teaching methods and course / curriculum development.
Alternative Approaches to English Language Learning and Teaching
1. English Across the Curriculum (EAC) / Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) / Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
2. eLearning / Blended Learning / Mobile Learning
3. Peer Tutoring / Experiential Learning / Service Learning
4. Learner Autonomy / Independent Learning / Community of Learners
5. Other Alternative Approaches to English Language Learning and Teaching