Course Details
Course Code : ELTU3016
Unit : 2
Level : 3
Coordinator :
Mr FUNG Matthew
Medicine Across Cultures
Course Description

This course introduces students to a variety of medical practices from across the world. The course consists of 5 modules: an introductory module and 4 other modules covering the medical traditions of a particular culture or region. Learning materials encompass a range of written texts, including book chapters, websites, journal articles, and government reports, as well as listening resources from YouTube and TED Talks. Through these materials, students have the opportunity to learn about how different cultures approach the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses. In addition, students will also develop an understanding of socio-political aspects related to traditional medicine, such as health policy and education. Students are encouraged to critically engage with the resources covered in this course, by means of classroom discussion as well as peer commentary and reflection on Blackboard. ELTU3016 consolidates students’ writing skills, including the ability to write concise summaries and reports, by synthesizing and evaluating the diverse materials covered in class. This course also aims to promote learner autonomy, by providing students with effective reading strategies.

Advisory: For Year 3 students of Faculty of Medicine only.

Prerequisite Course(s)
Alternative For
Elective For