《道藏輯要・提要》 黎志添主編

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道藏輯要 封面頁 香港中文大學圖書館 重刊道藏輯要本
道藏輯要 封面頁




《道藏輯要・提要》出版計劃原先由意大利道教學者莫尼卡(Monica Esposito)教授主持,2011年莫氏逝世後,改由香港中文大學道教文化研究中心黎志添教授主持,在中文大學道教文化研究中心執行,由臺灣蔣經國基金會、日本學術振興會和香港蓬瀛仙館等機構贊助。參與《道藏輯要・提要》出版計劃的學者共計70多位,包括日本、歐美、中國大陸、臺灣、香港等地的道教研究者。







Publication Preview: Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon

Edited by Lai Chi Tim

The Daozang Jiyao 道藏輯要 [the Essentials of the Daoist Canon] is the fundamental Daoist anthology of the Qing dynasty (1644-1912), which has been the object of an international research project since 2006, involving a team of 70 highly qualified Daoist scholars from various institutions all over the world. The results of this research –The Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon, will be presented in the form of 307 articles compiled into a three-volume work, is going to be published in the year 2021.

The Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon, as the title of this collection suggests is considered to represent the quintessence of the Ming Daoist Canon (Zhengtong Daozang 正統道藏) of 1445. On closer examination, only about 60% of the texts are from the Ming dynasty Canon and other texts are new materials added by the editors of the Qing. The texts coming from other sources which can be classified as “extra-canonical texts” thus amount to about one third of the collection. With more than three hundred texts, it is by far the largest Daoist anthology of the Qing period. The contents cover a wide range of topics from commentaries to Daoist and Neo-Confucian classics, inner alchemy, litanies, monastic and lay liturgy, moral instructions, epigraphy and much else. In spite of its importance no companion has yet been produced.

The whole complexity of the textual tradition of this Canon came gradually to light through bibliographical research done by Monica Esposito, Lai Chi Tim, and other project members. According to this research, and the analysis of 16 printed copies of rare editions of the Daozang Jiyao extant in various libraries around the world (China, Taiwan, Japan, France), it is now established with certainty, the existence of only two basic editions: 1) the Daozang Jiyao of the Jiaqing 嘉慶 (1796-1820) edition (or known as “old Daozang Jiyao”); 2) the Reprint of the Daozang Jiyao 重刊道藏輯要 Erxian’an (二仙庵) edition of 1906 (or “new Daozang Jiyao”), simply abbreviated as “Chongkan”. Thanks to the discovery of rare editions of this last Daoist Canon, which are preserved in Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and European libraries, it has become possible to reconstruct the history of the Daozang Jiyao, study its evolution and prepare the ground for a first critical edition and companion.

Overall, the project involves 70 Daoist scholars and aims at publishing an article for each of the 307 texts of the Daozang Jiyao. Each text compiled in the Daozang Jiyao is the object of one article, with the aim to provide detailed and well-structured information about the Daozang Jiyao texts and associated commentaries, which has never been found in the Daozang or the 1607 supplement, not only from the point of view of their textual history but also and even more on their contents. It is worthy to note that such information of the majority of the Daozang Jiyao texts is not yet available.The publication of the Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon will not only contribute to a better understanding of Chinese Religion of the Qing period but also shed the lights on the philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual construction of China during the phase of transformation into its current situation. This book will undoubtedly become one of the references in the academic departments of Chinese studies, religion studies, history, and other humanities. Furthermore, as Daoism is making its way outside of academic circles, it is expected that more and more general readers looking for reliable materials on Daoism will want to add such a compilation into their library.