
Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies - Issue No.4

Interreligious Dialogue〈宗教交談〉

Chief Editor : LEFEBURE Leo 



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Table of Content 目錄

  1. 作者簡介
  2. Editor’s Word 主編的話
  3. John BORELLI, “Vatican II and Catholic Interreligious Relations: Fifty Years Later〈梵二與天主教的宗教交談:五十年之後〉
  4. John PAWLIKOWSKI, “Christ and the Church in Their Jewish Context”〈猶太背景中的基督與教會〉
  5. Rita GEORGE-TVRTKOVIC, “Muslim-Christian Relations, Past and Present”〈穆斯林與基督徒的關係,過去與今日〉
  6. Vincent SEKHAR, “Building Relationship with Religious Neighbours” Interreligious Dialogue in India  〈與宗教鄰舍建立關係:宗教交談在印度:陰影與支柱〉
  7. James FREDERICKS, “Buddhist-Christian Relations Today〈今日佛教與基督教的關係〉
  8. Richard MADSEN, “Ecumenical Cooperation and Inter-religious Dialogue in 20th Century Catholic History: Legacies of the Past and Prospects for the Future”〈二十世紀天主教史中的宗派合作與宗教對話:過去的遺產與將來的希望〉
  9. 周景勳〈香港六宗教領袖座談會:與周景勳神父訪談〉
  10. 賴品超〈利他主義與儒耶比較〉
  11. 陳曦〈保羅與親鸞信心觀之比較研究:從「信心和行為的關係」出發〉
  12. Peter FELDMEIER, “The Rectification of Names and Comparative Theology”〈「正名」與比較神學〉
  13. Fabrice BLEE, “Hospitality as a Condition for Dialogue: The Monastic Interreligious Experience” 〈包容作為對話的基礎:隱修群體宗教交流經驗〉
  14. Leo LEFEBURE, “The Parliaments of the World’s Religions: Assemblies of Hope”〈世界宗教議會:希望的聚會〉
  15. Peter PHAN, “Fifty Years after Vatican II: The Catholic Church and Interreligious Dialogue”〈梵二後五十年:天主教會與宗教對話〉