

〈中國天主教教會史學:歷史資源和方法論〉 Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church: Historical Resources and Methodology

康志杰主編 (Chief Editor: KANG Zhijie)




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  1. 目錄 (中文)
  2. Table of Contents (Eng)
  3. 作者簡介 Contributors
  4. 主編的話 (中文)
  5. Editor’s Word (English)
  6. 陳慧宏〈從聖母看明清中國天主教的宗教調適與文化互動〉
    CHEN Hui-Hong, “Religious Accommodation and Cultural Encounters of Chinese Catholicism during the Ming and Qing: Insights from the Case of the Virgin Mary”
  7. TAVEIRNE Patrick, “The Rise of a Local Catholic Church Through Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Ordos Region (Inner Mongolia)”
    譚永亮 〈(內蒙古)鄂爾多斯地區一個本地天主教會通過跨文化接觸的興起〉
  8. 康志杰 〈利用民間文獻,深化中國天主教歷史研究──以中國天主教經濟生活史為視角論〉
    KANG Zhijie, “Deepening Historical Research of the Chinese Catholic Church by Using Folk Literature: Discussion from the Aspect of the Chinese Catholic Church’s Economic Life”
  9. 古偉瀛 〈天主教史研究的深化──以「語文」為中心〉
    KU Weiying, “Deepening Research on the Catholic Church History—With a Focus on Language”
  10. 李紀 〈巴黎外方傳教會所藏滿州代牧區檔案的整理與研究〉 
    LI Ji, “Filing and Research of Parish Foreign Mission’s Archives of the Vicariate Apostolic of Manchuria”
  11. 李天綱 〈「龍華民方法」與「利瑪竇路線」之比較〉 
    LI Tiangang, “A Comparison Between Longobardi’s Approach and Riccian Methodology”
  12. MASSON Matthieu, “Sancian: Landscape and Architecture in the Burial Place of St. Francis Xavier”
    馬崇義 〈上川島:聖方濟各.沙勿略墓園的環境與建築〉
  13. 馬明哲 〈「隱修院將成為中國之家」從天主教隱修生活歷史的角度看教會在中國的本地化〉
    NICOLINI-ZANI Matteo, “‘The Monastery Will Be a Chinese House’: The Inculturation of the Church in China from the Perspective of the History of Catholic Monasticism”

附錄 Appendix

  1. 夏其龍〈教廷萬民福音傳播部檔案是中國天主教歷史研究的重要資源〉 
    HA Keloon Louis, “The Historical Archives of Propaganda Fide in Rome as a Necessary Historical Resource for the Historiography of the Catholic Church in China”
  2. 胡世斌〈歷史檔案對中國天主教教史重要性的認識和建議〉 
    HU Shibin, “Understanding the Importance of Archives for the Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church and Some Suggestions”
  3. 陳方中〈史料分類與分析──研究歷史與中國天主教史的方法〉 
    CHEN Fang-chong, “Categorizing and Analyzing of Historical Data: Methodologies in History Research and Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church”