“The Church has always had the duty of scrutinizing the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light of the Gospel. Thus, in language intelligible to each generation, she can respond to the perennial questions which men ask about this present life and the life to come, and about the relationship of the one to the other.” (Gadium et Spes no. 4) The Catholic Church discerns the sign of times through the lens of Gospel in order to show humankinds the way to the Truth, the Good and the Beauty.
The development of technology and globalization links people and states close together but not in solidarity. Rather, because of the differences of ideologies and interests, people are fallen into impasse of confrontation and social division. The Society of Jesus, having taken more than two years of discernment of the sign of times, launched the UAPs, Universal Apostolic Preferences, 2019-29 in 2019. One of the UAPs is “Walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice.” Together, Pope Francis and Fr. General Arturo Sosa call for Jesuit universities to be agents of reconciliation marked by a pedagogy of mercy. The ministry of justice and reconciliation has a special significance in Hong Kong today. The Centre for Catholic Studies has been dedicated to study theology, philosophy, and art of the Catholic tradition to inspire and support the pastoral ministers of the Church for years. Responding to the calling of the Church, we adopt Justice and Reconciliation as our main research preference in the coming three years. We hope that through academic research, lectures and conferences, scholars from different disciplines will be brough together to exchange and work together to respond to the signs of our times.
Dr. Lam Wing Kwan, Anselm