WANNAGAT, Ulrich Hermann

WANNAGAT, Ulrich Hermann

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dr.phil (BU Wuppertal), M.A. (RU Bochum)



Research Interests:

Foreign/Second language acquisition (DaF), content and language integrated learning (CLIL)


Representative Publications:

  • Wannagat, Ulrich (2010). Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht im internationalen Fokus - Eine Vergleichsstudie zur Unterrichtspraxis in Deutschland und Hongkong [Bilingual history classes in international focus - A comparative study of classroom practice in Germany and Hong Kong]. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin et al..: Peter Lang Publishers.

  • Wannagat, U. (2007). “Learning through L2 – Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as Medium of Instruction (EMI)”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism vol. 10: 5, 663 – 682.

  • Wannagat, U., Gerbig, J.J. & Bucher, S. (eds.) (2003). Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache in Ostasien – Neue Perspektiven. Tübingen: Stauffenburg [German as a Second Foreign Language in East Asia – New Horizons]

  • Wannagat, U. (2002). “Foreign Languages and Development”. In: J. Lo Blanco (ed.), Voices from Phnom Penh: Language and Development, Global Influences & Local Effects, IDP Australia, 337-361.

  • Wannagat, U. (2000). „Drittsprachenerwerb im kolonialen und postkolonialen Kontext”. In: A. Wolff & E. Winters-Ohle (eds.), Wie schwer ist die deutsche Sprache wirklich? Regensburg: FaDaF 2000, 686-696 [Third Language Acquisition in a Colonial and Post-colonial Context].

  • Wannagat, U. (1999). „Vorerfahrungen im Fremdsprachenerwerb und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Deutschunterricht an Universitäten in Hongkong“. In: H.-R. Fluck (ed.), Spracherwerb Deutsch in Ost- und Zentralasien. Lehr- und Lerntraditionen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 146-165 [Beliefs about Language Learning and Their Effects on German Language Teaching at Universities in Hong Kong].

  • Wannagat, U. (1998). „Regionalspezifische Curricula - Ein Ausweg aus der Krise?“. Info DaF - Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache 4. [Regional Curricula – A Way Out of the Crisis?].

  • Wannagat, U. (1998). „Ich heiße Cai Yun und komme aus Lanzhou - Recent Developments in German as a Foreign Language in China“. The Humanities Bulletin vol. 5, Hong Kong.

  • Schlenker, W., Schönherr, T., Tang, Q.Y. & Wannagat, U. (1994). Praxis Deutsch - Shiyong Deyu - Lehrwerk für beruflich orientierte Intensivkurse, vol. 1 – 4. Beijing: Foreign Trade Education Press; Taiwan edition: Taipei: Zhongyang Tushu Chubanshi 1995 [Course Book German for Professional Purposes].


Participation in Research Projects:

  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Language acquisition processes in bilingual classrooms (CUHK Conference Grant 2008).

  • The Beliefs about Language Learning of Beginning University Foreign Language Students in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore (Special Grant for Teachers to Conduct Research Outside of Hong Kong during Summer 1998; CUHK Campus Work Scheme).


©2007 Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong