28 January 2010
Dear colleagues and fellow students,
I am pleased to send you the progress of the Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) Project.
In view of the changes introduced by the education reform in Hong Kong and other strategic changes in higher education around the globe, the University is implementing the CUSIS to effectively support new educational mission over the next decade and beyond.
For the past 12 months, the CUSIS Project Team has closely worked with administrative staff from central administrative units, departments and faculties, and colleges to configure and prepare the system, which will provide an integrated platform to facilitate students, staff and alumni in managing personal as well as academic information at different stage of the student lifecycle.
In the coming months, the CUSIS Project is entering into the next critical stage of preparation for the launch in June 2010. In particular, key users will receive training and conduct acceptance testing to ensure the system is ready to go into production. Thereafter, broader training and communication programs will be rolled out to the rest of the University community to get ready for the launch of the system.
Given the importance of CUSIS to the University, we will begin to provide you a regular update on the progress of the project from now on. For more details about CUSIS Project and other related information, please do not hesitate to visit our project website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/ or contact the CUSIS Project Team (cusis@cuhk.edu.hk / 26961998).
Yours faithfully,
Ching Pak-chung
Chairman of Steering Committee on the Development of CUSIS