Professional School Improvement Programme – FAQs on Support Programme and Application Procedure

Features of QSIP Support:

1. What are the characteristics of QSIP “Professional School Improvement Programme”?

QSIP works under the concept of comprehensive school improvement. Tailor-made development plans aiming at enhancing the mechanism of school self-improvement and professional capacity of teachers are focused on facilitating the communications of school level, subject panel level and teacher level. (Read More)

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2. How experienced is QSIP Team?

Under the concept of comprehensive school improvement, QSIP team consists of team members, School Development Officer (SDO), from different educational fields. Our members include Former EDB and teacher training professionals, experienced school principals, school middle managers, experienced teachers from different learning areas, other professionals from education sector, and experts from other sectors. Our team emphasizes on the integration of theory and practice, as well as providing support based on the individual needs of schools.

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3. How does QSIP cooperate with schools?

QSIP appoints one Coordinating School Development Officer (CSDO) to each school for overall coordination and liaise with school leaders and core group members to work together on formulating strategies for improvement plans and overseeing the progress of each support project. If the support programme involves different subjects or areas, the SDOIC shall arrange SDOs with expertise in the related subjects or areas to provide professional support.

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Before Applying:

4. How should schools view their working relationship with QSIP when joining “Professional School Improvement Programme”?

The school management team should see QSIP as a collaboration partner in assisting the school to enhance school professional capacity. Our support does not aim at the take-over of teacher’ work. Therefore, before joining our programme, the school management team is recommended to have in-school communication and reach a consensus on the direction of the development of the school, to ensure the participated subject panel or teachers involved are well prepared.
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5. Why is “Core Group” needed? Who are the members? What are their roles?

“Core Group” is the school representative who communicates with QSIP SDO. The group is also responsible for coordinating in-school preparation and administration. The group shall evaluate the effectiveness of the support programme and decide on following stages of school self-improvement development plan. Hence, apart from the Principal and Vice Principal, we recommend related subject panel / group leaders to be included in “Core Group”.

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6. Should the school administration be prepared for the collaboration?

Yes, we suggest the school administration to provide space for teachers who are involved in the programme. For example, arrange collaborative lesson, reserve Staff Development Day(s) for team training, or arrange in-school disseminations, etc.

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7. Who should be the teachers involved in the collaboration?

We suggest inviting teachers who are open to new ideas, willing to have them tried out and also have the experience shared with colleagues. To cite an example of a collaboration on subject panel development, the subject leader should co-ordinate and lead the team to work closely with our SDO, as well as share and turn the experience into practice in the panel.

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8. What is the budget for collaboration in general?

Depending on the scale and how in-depth the cooperation is, the recommended yearly budget would be not less than HKD 150,000. It normally takes 2 to 3 years to complete the whole programme.

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9. Apart from school self-financing, can schools apply for financial assistance from other organizations to cover the cost of the programme?

Yes. However, before applying financial assistance from other organizations, QSIP recommends applicants to discuss with us their plans on “Professional School Improvement Programme” to ensure the applied funding could be used for funding “Professional School Improvement Programme”.
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Contents of “Professional School Improvement Programme”:

10. Apart from the examples of support plan in the brochure, is it possible to tailor-make the support programme according to the contexts of the school?

The examples shown in the brochure is for illustration purposes only. QSIP encourages schools to discuss with our SDO, to design a support programme that is best suited for individual school.

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11. What should schools do if they are interested in or in need of particular support services from different areas, but have yet decided on which particular subject/areas to begin with?

Before planning on detail of the support programme, QSIP SDO will communicate with the school management team to understand the development needs of school, then provide professional advice and help to launch the comprehensive school improvement.

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12. Can schools join only single support service? E.g. joining single workshop, or working on exam paper analysis of single subject?

QSIP has always followed the concept of “comprehensive school improvement”, our belief is that, without the management system and cultures of schools involving, school reformation is hard to achieve by solely relying on the contribution from individual teacher or subject panel. We hope, through the collaboration, teachers could have hands-on experience, and allow the successful experience be practised and take root in the school. We recommend schools to design school development projects based on the needs of the school, rather than participating in any one-off or single support project.

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13. Is the collaboration period limited to one year? Could schools apply for support services for more than one year?

Schools are recommended to base on their own contexts and needs, long term or short-term development goals, to set up a 1 to 3-year “Professional School Improvement Programme”.

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14. How could schools make enquiry on the approximate budget of the support plans?

Please login to QSIP Online Application System to submit application for support programmes. QSIP will contact the school by phone or email to discuss the needs of the school in general and provide a quotation accordingly.

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15. Could schools draft their own support plans based on school contexts, then request a quotation from QSIP?

A comprehensive school improvement project requires the collaboration between the internal and external change agents and takes into consideration of various aspect. Therefore, QSIP would recommend schools to first discuss with our SDO, then design the support plans based on the school context and development focus of the school. Schools are advised not to draft any project plan details prior to communicating with our SDO. However, when submitting application on QSIP Online Application System, the school could upload the draft proposal as additional information.
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Application Procedure:

16. How to apply for the programme? What are the procedures?

Please login to QSIP Online Application System for application. Please refer to the Application Procedure and Schedule on our website for details.

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17. Do schools need to go through a tendering process?

If necessary, schools could invite tenders according to the school administrative regulations.

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18. How many schools join the “Professional School Improvement Programme” every year?

In general, around 40 schools participate the “Professional School Improvement Programme” every year. QSIP selects schools based on their readiness of collaboration, needs of support and the deployment of our team’s resources, etc.

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19. When will schools know whether the application is accepted?

Please refer to the Application Procedure and Schedule on our website for details.

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20. Could schools still apply for the programme if the application period is over?

Schools can still apply on or before 15th July each year. Our team will be in touch to obtain a general understanding of the needs of school, and have the application put on a reserve list. Should our team have the capacity for collaboration, schools will be contacted for confirmation before the commencement of the following academic year.

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21. If the application is not accepted, do schools have priority should they apply again in the following academic year?

Yes, non-accepted applications would be placed on a reserve list. Prioritized consideration would be given to schools with high readiness for collaboration in the following academic year.

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Online Application System:

22. How to request for lost User ID or Password?

Please visit the main page of the Professional School Improvement Programme e-Portal click “Forget ID / Password” and input School Registered Telephone Number. User ID and Password will be sent automatically to the registered school email. This is to ensure only the authorized personnel(s) could access the related information.

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23. Where could schools get help when encounter problems using the Online Application System?

Please read the FAQs for information when encounter problems using the Online Application System.

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24. When should schools settle the payment?

In general, according to the contract, schools shall settle the payment on or before 31st December of every academic year. The invoice will be posted to schools one month prior to the due date of payment.

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