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The Honourable John C Tsang on "Story of a Public Servant"
Lam Woon-kwong on ‘The Mutiny on HMS Bounty in 1789: A Justifiable Rebellion?’
From the Realm of Necessity to the Realm of Freedom: On Socialist View of Freedom
Mr YANG Jin Lin on "Self-reliance and self-governance: the return of Hong Kong to the PRC and 'no change for 50 years'”
Prof. He Weifang on "The Road of Constitutionalism in China"
Prof. Ezra F. Vogel on "Can China and Japan make peace?" (Full Version)
Prof. Ezra F. Vogel on "Can China and Japan make peace?" (Highlight Version)
"30 Years of democracy ‐ let’s talk from the beginning" by Mr. Lee Chu-ming Martin
Professor Ezra F. Vogel on "Deng Xiaoping and Foreign Relations"
Public Lecture by Mr Liu Xiaoming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United Kingdom
Lecture by Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai on 'Leadership: With the People, for the People'
Guest Lecture by the Hon. Leung Chun-ying
Zhang Qiyue on "China’s Foreign Policy and China-ASEAN Relations"
通識沙龍「寫給當代的經典II 」:周保松教授主講「洛克《論寬容》」
Public Lecture by Mr Masayoshi Hamada on "Peace building towards 'a Nuclear Weapons-Free World' -- Working with the citizens of the world"
Lecture by the Henry Tang Ying-yen on “Leadership–the Art of Magnanimity”
Lecture by Mr Takanori Kitamura on "EU Experience of Integration and East Asian Overtures"
Henry S. Rowen on "Tough Times Ahead: Foreign Policy Challenges for the New President"
Mr. Shigekazu Sato on "Japan-China Relations and the Future of Asia"
Lecture by Ambassador Alaudeen A. Alaskary on "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - A Force for Peace and Energy to the World "
Professor Ezra F. Vogel on "Sino-Japanese Relations: Ups and Downs"
Mr. Cho Whan Bok on "For a Permanent Peace on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia: Beyond the Nuclear Challenge and the Cold War"
Professor Larry Diamond on " Can the Whole World be Democratic? Thoughts on Remaining Obstacles to Democratization from a Global