Dr. CHAN Hung Cheong, Morton
Professional Consultant of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Former Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau, responsible for planning and conducting over 60 sessions of territory-wide seminars for school leaders and conducting teacher training sessions for over 100 schools to facilitate the development of the New Academic Structure and the New Senior Secondary Curriculum.
While serving at QSIP, Dr. Chan has provided a wide range of in-depth support for a large number of schools, covering topics on planning, implementation and evaluation of school management, professional development for middle managers and enhancement of assessment literacy etc. Former Head of Educational Administration and Mathematics Panel (Secondary School) with solid experience in school administration and frontline teaching.
Comprehensive school improvement, enhancement of learning and teaching effectiveness and assessment literacy of schools
School Development Officer
Dr. CHAN Ho Yee, Pauline
Experienced Training Consultant, served at the Education Department (presently known as the Education Bureau) and Civil Service Training and Development Institute, responsible for training newly promoted school principals.
Engaged in school improvement work in The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1998, specialized in incorporating game and drama elements into enhancement of learning and teaching, as well as professional development for middle managers at schools.
School improvement and implementation, life-wide and cross-curricular learning, project-based learning, professional development for middle managers, parent educadtion
Years of Mathematics teaching experience in secondary school. Solid experience in developing school-based curriculum, teaching strategies and materials that cater for learners with diverse learning needs.
Instructional design, catering for learner diversity, class management
Dr. CHEUNG Hiu Tung, Becky
Experienced English Language educator. Former English teacher and Deputy Head of English Language Panel in secondary school. Recipient of Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence. Honorary teaching consultant of The Hong Kong Institute of Education (presently known as the Education University of Hong Kong). Invited participant of the pilot scheme on Hong Kong English Teacher Exchange Activities to the Mainland, organized by the Education Bureau, to share teaching experience with teachers in Guangdong Province.
Part-time writer of learning, teaching and assessment materials for both primary and secondary English education. Member of the Requirements of Basic Academic Attainments in English Language for Secondary Schools Development Team led by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau SAR and facilitator for the related professional development events.
English Language education, ccurriculum development and instructional design, self-directed learning, assessment literacy
Mr. CHU Wing Tak, Geo
Former Liberal Studies and Integrated Science teacher in secondary school. Writer of teaching materials for Liberal Studies and Life and Society for the Education Bureau and publishers.
Facilitated a large number of secondary schools of different backgrounds to develop curriculum and pedagogy for Liberal Studies. Solid experience in designing project-based learning and study skill training programmes for primary and secondary schools.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Liberal Studies, life-wide learning, project-based learning, Chinese culture learning, service learning, students’ study skill training
Dr. CHOW Fu Hung, Michael
30 years of extensive experience in the field of education. Former Secondary School Principal, Vice Principal, Curriculum Master and Head of Chinese Language Panel. Awardee of Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence. Former Chairman of the Chinese Language Subject Committee for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and Assistant Examiner of Chinese Language Subject for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE). Enriched teacher professional development at schools of various backgrounds and facilitated the development of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Invited speaker of workshops organized by the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), different universities and secondary schools.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Chinese Language education, pedagogical content knowledge of Chinese Language, teacher professional development, school improvement
Dr. HO Bik Yue, Beatrice
Research in the fields of school improvement, teacher professional development and curriculum implementation in primary and secondary schools. Facilitated planning, implementation and evaluation for school management and learning and teaching enhancement initiatives in kindergartens of various backgrounds.
School improvement and relevant administrative support, teacher professional development, kindergarten teachers’ training
Ms. LAI Man Ching, Florence
Experienced Chinese Language teacher and former Primary School Curriculum Leader, responsible for designing and developing school-based curriculum. Former Subject Manager of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), responsible for the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) of Chinese Language, with solid experience in enhancing teachers’ professional capacity, through conducting regular thematic seminars, in analyzing TSA data and making use of the data to enhance learning and teaching. Coordinated and conducted “Assessment Literacy Programme” for primary school teachers to actualize principles of “Assessment for Learning”; conducted teacher workshops on item-setting to enhance the quality of assessment.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Chinese Language education, item-setting and assessment literacy, , data analysis of Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA), parent-child reading
Ms. LAU Wing Sze, Dilys
Former English Language teacher in secondary school. Coordinator of English Debate Team and experienced in incorporating English debate into regular curriculum. Solid experience in designing teaching materials for schools of different backgrounds. Supported student development in Other Learning Experiences (OLE) and various English activities for years.
English Language education, teaching material development, student development
Ms. LEE Chun Man, Alice
Former Head of English Literature Panel, English Language teacher and Coordinator for school-based Aesthetic Education in secondary school. Engaged in school improvement and coordinating students’ Other Learning Experiences (OLE).
Collaborated with over 50 primary and secondary schools to facilitate English Panel development, the enhancement of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment as well as the enrichment of teachers’ professional capacity.
English Language in primary and secondary schools, Literature in English, experiential learning, aesthetic education, assessment literacy, teacher professional development
Dr. LEUNG Shing Him
Professional artistic director and playwright. Among the pioneer educators in Hong Kong who first introduced ‘Drama-in-Education’ which focuses on incorporating drama into different subjects, including Chinese Language, English Language, Liberal Studies and Moral Education. Dedicated to developing ‘Drama-in-Education’ for 20 years and collaborated with over a hundred schools.
Committed to the enhancement of learning and teaching in scientific exploration and Science education, especially in designing scientific exploration activities and project-based learning programmein primary schools. Solid practical experience in enhancing learning motivation, as acclaimed by the education community, and was invited by over 50 local primary and secondary schools to conduct teacher professional development sessions focusing on the enhancement of learning motivation.
Pedagogy of Drama-in-Education, learning and teaching of Science education, science inquiry, project-based learning, learning motivation
Ms. LAM Kam Fong, Joann Florence
Former teacher, Training Consultant of educational and non-educational institutes, Art School Director of Hong Kong Art Centre, Registrar of Hong Kong Council of Accreditation for Academic and Vocational Qualification.
Former Secondary School Administrative Assistant (Deputy Head), Coordinators for curriculum, discipline, counselling, career guidance and English Department. Regional Coordinator (East Asia) of Chartered Institute of Linguists.
English Language education, applied learning, school leadership and management
Dr. LUI Pan, Flora
Former Head of Chinese Language and writer of Chinese Language textbook for secondary schools. Former member of the Committee of Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (Putonghua) and the Review Committee of Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). Former part-time Lecturer of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Honorary Teaching Adviser at various tertiary institutions.
Over the past decade, Dr. Lui has been committed to providing training that facilitates school improvement, teacher professional development, as well as curriculum design and implementation in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens; assisted schools of various backgrounds in achieving sustainable improvement in school management, teaching and assessment.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Chinese Language education in primary and secondary schools, Chinese culture learning, cross-curricular curriculum design, kindergarten teachers’ training, teacher professional development, school improvement
Ms. MAK Ka Yin, Karis
Former Chinese Language teacher, Head of General Studies Panel, and the coordinator of STEAM and Positive Education in primary school. Solid experience in design, implementation and evaluation of school-based curriculum, cross-curricular learning and project-based learning..
Invited by local primary schools and educational organisations to conduct teacher professional development sessions on curriculum design and parent workshops on positive education and whole person development.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Chinese Language education and General Studies, service learning, cross-curricular learning, project-based learning, positive education, catering for learner diversity, discipline and counselling, parent education
Mr. OR Chi Ming, Anthony
Experienced Mathematics educator. Former secondary school Mathematics teacher and Panel Head, Guest Lecturer of Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong and Field Experience Consultant of The Education University of Hong Kong. Former Senior Curriculum Development Officer of the Education Infrastructure Division of the Education Bureau, responsible for analyzing data of Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) at primary and secondary levels to develop teaching resources and conduct studies. Organized Assessment for Learning seminars and workshops for primary and secondary school teachers.
Chairman of GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong, author of primary and senior secondary Mathematics textbooks, consultant of Mathematics e-learning.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation of Mathematics education in primary and secondary schools, assessment literacy e-learning, resources development of GeoGebra, teacher professional development
Ms. POON Wing Ching, Prudence
Former Head of Science Panel in secondary school and Head of General Studies Panel in primary school. Former Primary School Mistress for Curriculum Development (PSMCD) and Curriculum Development Officer of ‘Through-train’ Schools.
Facilitated school planning and evaluation of school development in primary schools of various backgrounds, designed and implemented inquiry-based learning in different topics.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Science education and General Studies, curriculum development for ‘through-train’ schools, PIE (Planning-Implementation-Evaluation) for school development, curriculum design and pedagogy for cross-curricular learning, STEM education and life-wide learning (local and overseas), assessment literacy
Mr. SHUM On Bong, Paul
Former Secondary School Vice-principal, Heads of Physics Panel and Liberal Studies Panel. Former Director of Administration and School Development Officer at Direct Subsidy Scheme school. Participated in the various committees under the Curriculum Development Council and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) for reviewing the Physics curriculum.
Solid experience in facilitating STEM education and creating a science-learning environment (e.g. managing learning stations and experimental areas of various science themes, coordinating and designing cross-curricular learning activities and science competitions).
School administration and subject panel management, deisgn and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Science and Physics, professional development for middle managers, lesson observation and consultation
Ms. SHETO Ching Kwan, Melody
Experienced Head of English Language Panel in secondary school, responsible for coordinating school-based curriculum design, language across the curriculum (LAC), teacher training, school-based and joint-school English activities as well as overseas English exchange programmes. Former member of the Territory-wide System Assessment Moderation Committee with solid experience in public examinations analysis. Invited by local and overseas schools for sharing of English curriculum design and teaching strategies. Facilitated professional development of teachers at schools of various backgrounds in Hong Kong and Macau.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of English Language education, school administration and subject panel management, teacher professional development
Mr. SIT Hoi Fai
Professional theatre actor. Former Visual Arts Subject Coordinator (Primary School) and Arts Education coordinator of Education and Outreach Department, Hong Kong Art Festival. Former guest lecturer of The Education University of Hong Kong.
Solid experience in developing drama curriculum and programmes that incorporate drama and arts into classroom teaching and regular curriculum as well as art tours and the curriculum of Life-wide Learning in primary and secondary schools of various backgrounds. Dedicated to integrating arts education into regular curriculum.
Pedagogy of Drama-in-Education, story approach, Visual arts education, integrating arts education into formal curriculum and teaching, art appreciation
Mr. SO Wing Keung
Former Master for Curriculum Development and Heads of Humanities Panel and Economics Panel in secondary school. Member of the Curriculum Development Council (Civic Education) and Council on Professional Conduct in Education.
Liberal Studies education, Moral and Civic education, project-based learning, school administration and curriculum development
Ms. TSANG Hoi Chi, Rosy
Former Deputy Head of English Language Panel in secondary school, responsible for leading the subject panel in development of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Solid experience in designing teaching materials for English learning and language across the curriculum (LAC). Concrete experience in supporting English panel improvement in primary and secondary schools of various backgrounds.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of English Language education, language across the curriculum
Ms. TSANG Sau Yi, Tracy
Former Liberal Studies teacher in secondary school. Participated in the publication of teaching materials for Liberal Studies and Life and Society.
Facilitated a large number of secondary schools of different backgrounds to develop curriculum and pedagogy for Liberal Studies. Solid experienced in designing project-based learning and study skill training programmes for primary and secondary schools
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Liberal Studies, life-wide learning, project-based learning, Chinese culture learning, service learning, students’ study skill training, kindergarten teachers’ training
Mr. WONG Wai Yin, Brian
40 years of extensive experience in the field of education. Former Secondary School Principal, Vice Principal, Heads of various administration teams and Head of Mathematics Panel. Former part-time Lecturer of The Open University of Hong Kong, Member of Committee on Mathematics Education of the Curriculum Development Council. Invited speaker of workshops organized by the Education Bureau, The Education University of Hong Kong and different primary and secondary schools. Author of e-textbooks and former consultant for textbooks of Secondary Mathematics Education.
School management, design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment ofMathematics education, catering for learner diversity, establishing learning organisation
Mr. YUEN Hon Kee
Former Head of Chinese Language Panel in secondary school. Served at secondary schools of various backgrounds and developed teaching strategies that cater for learners with diverse learning needs. Writer of secondary school textbooks for Chinese Language, editor and writer of learning materials for Literary Chinese, consultant for textbooks and writer of language learning column.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Chinese Language education, teaching of Chinese writing, oral skill and Literary Chinese
Dr. WU Chui Shan, Tracy
Former Head of Social Studies Panel and Economics teacher in secondary school. Writer of teaching materials for Liberal Studies and Life and Society. Invited by the Curriculum Development Instituteof Education Bureau to conduct teacher training and design teaching kits for Economics teacher.
Enriched teacher professional development at schools of various backgrounds and facilitated the development of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.
Design and evaluation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of Liberal Studies, Economics and Integrated Humanities, assessment literacy, school improvement, lesson observation and consultation