Name of Activity (Chinese): | 2017 New Year Lunch gathering |
Unit: | New Asia College Alumni Association of Northern California |
Location: | USA |
Venue: | ABC Seafood Restaurant, 973 E Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City, CA 94404 |
Date: | 2017-01-15 |
Time: | 12:00 pm |
Details: |
2017 New Year Lunch gathering on Jan 15, 2017 and congratulations to our alum Mr. Harrison Lim, Most distinguished alumni for Chinese University of Hong Kong's 50th Anniversary--2013,for his Congress Recognition in 2016. |
Enrollment: |
https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07edlatc6tc28bc47a&oseq=&c=&ch= |