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Prof. Yi Chun Lu – Breaking the wall of safe energy storage (A top ten winner of the category)
Prof. Siew Chien Ng – GenieBiome Limited: Breaking the wall of cancer using novel microbes
Prof. Lin Liu – Breaking the wall to cryosphere monitoring
New Asia College Assembly - Regenerative Medicine: Promises, Challenges, and Ethical Issues
Nurturing engineering leaders in the Secure and Intelligent Connected World
Dr. Jeremy Teoh on "What I have learnt as a Surgeon"
A Way Out in the Midst of Challenges Posed by the Pandemic (English Subtitle)
A Way Out in the Midst of Challenges Posed by the Pandemic (Chinese Subtitle)
Dr. Shiu Sing Tong on "What Do Gravitational Waves Tell Us?"
Sturdy Grass Withstands the Storm of Covid-19 (Chinese subtitle)
Sturdy Grass Withstands the Storm of Covid-19 (English subtitle)
Prof. Irwin Kuo Chin King on "A Traveler's Guide to the 3-pound Universe"
"Homemade" Alcohol-Based Handrub‧Formulation
Bleach Making Experiment
CUHK Robocon Lab Tour
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Professor Sir Charles Kao being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics
Girls from Engineering
Prof. Tony Mok on “The Long and Winding Road to Conquer Cancer”
CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute
Prof. Helen Meng on “Artificial Intelligence in Speaking and Listening for Learning and Well-Being”
Prof. Chu Ming-chung on “Beautiful Asymmetries in the Universe”
The Engineer who Studies Tails
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Committed to Promoting the Technological Revolution of Medical Robots
Prof. Lam Hon-ming on “Soybean Research: A Journey from Laboratory to Field”
The 5th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Sir Richard J. Roberts on ‘Why You Should Embrace GMOs’
The 5th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Sir Richard J. Roberts on ‘Why I Love Bacteria’
The 5th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Sir Richard J. Roberts on ‘Exploring Bacterial Methylomes’
The Most Striking Traffic Lights of 2018
Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies
Prof. Dennis Lo on “The Joys and Challenges of Scientific Research”
The New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China - Dr. Lawrence WONG on “Applying Disruptive Technologies in the Rapidly Changing World”
Prof. Rocky S. Tuan on “Regenerative Medicine: Promises and Challenges”
The New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China : Prof. WU Dui on "Recent Hot Topics of PM2.5 and the Long-Term Variations of Hazy Weather in China"
LUI Che Woo Prize – Prize for World Civilisation Laureate Public Lecture by Mr. Hans-Josef Fell (Full Version)
LUI Che Woo Prize – Prize for World Civilisation Laureate Public Lecture by Mr Hans-Josef Fell (Highlighted Version)
Research on Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Chinese Medicines in School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK
Authentication and Quality Control of Chinese Medicinal Material in CUHK
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) based traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herb identification system
Institute of Chinese Medicine and State Key Laboratory of Research on Bioactivities and Clinical Applications of Medicinal Plants (CUHK)
Research and Development in Molecular Authentication and Quality Control of Chinese Medicinal Material in Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R&D Centre for Chinese Medicine, CUHK
Dr Victor Joseph Dzau on "Medical and Technological Breakthroughs Shaping the Future of Health and Medicine and Their implications for Society"
Ethical Hackers at CUHK
The Romance of the Engineer
Coursera: Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimisation (English Version)
Coursera: Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimisation (Chinese Version)
The 4th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Professor Peter KL NG on ‘Games Scientists Play: Benchmarking, Publications and Impact’
The 4th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Professor Peter KL NG on ‘Trifecta?’
The 4th Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Professor Peter KL NG on ‘Reflections of a Hunter-Killer: Passion versus Intelligence in Science’
Prof. Gunter Pauli on "Innovations that Transform Society beyond Robotics, Genetics and Artificial Intelligence"
Prof. Samuel Au on "Next Frontier of Medical Intervention: Union of Surgeon and Robot"
CUHK Technology Forum: AI Over Humans?
CUHK Launches First Chinese Medicine MOOC Course in English on Coursera
The Shaw Prize Lecture in Mathematical Sciences 2017
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Hospital Admission (Chinese)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Urban Heat Island Effect (Chinese)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Health Co-benefits (English)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Help-seeking (English)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Hospital Admission (English)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Urban Heat Island Effect (English)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Death (English)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Health Co-benefits (Chinese)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Death (Chinese)
Between Extremes: Threatening Heat and Cold Health Series - Help-seeking (Chinese)
The Myth of Calculus
The 3rd Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Prof. Peter WH Holland on ‘Embryos, Evolution and the Homeobox: Why Animals are Similar and Different’
The 3rd Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Prof. Peter WH Holland on ‘The Tree of Life: an Idea that Changed the World’
The 3rd Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences by Prof. Peter WH Holland on ‘The Power of Evolution and the Path to Scientific Discovery’
Research on the ‘Silent Teachers Body Donation Programme’
Silent Teachers Body Donation Programme
Modeling Discrete Optimization MOOC Specialization (English version)
Modeling Discrete Optimization MOOC Specialization (Chinese version)
Prof. Steven Chu on "Energy, Climate Change and a Low Cost Path Forward"
Prof. Steven Chu on "A Random Walk in Science"
The Shaw Prize Lecture in Life Science and Medicine 2016
Beliefs of Scientific Researchers Who Engage in Biomedical Research (English version)
Beliefs of Scientific Researchers Who Engage in Biomedical Research (Chinese version)
Using Fruit Flies for Biomedical Research (English version)
Using Fruit Flies for Biomedical Research (Chinese version)
Genetic Tests for Rare Neurodiseases (Chinese version)
Genetic Tests for Rare Neurodiseases (English version)
Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
CUHK Inter-disciplinary Research Team Finds Novel Drug Candidate for Rare Neurological Diseases (Chinese version)
CUHK Inter-disciplinary Research Team Finds Novel Drug Candidate for Rare Neurological Diseases (English version)
Prof. Randy W. Schekman on "How Cells Package and Traffic Proteins for Export"
Vision-based Intelligent Forklift AGV System
Prof. Samuel SM Sun on "The Springhead of Scientific Research and Innovation"
Prof. Samuel SM Sun on "Innovation"
Prof. Samuel SM Sun on "Science Essence: The Springhead of Motivation and Innovation"
Prof. Tjonnie G. F. Li on "Einstein’s Messenger: A New Window on the Universe" (Full Version)
Prof. Tjonnie G. F. Li on "Einstein’s Messenger: A New Window on the Universe" (Highlight Version)
Inaugural Lecture of the Stanley Ho Professorship in Cognitive Neuroscience
Professor Inez Fung on "Plants, Water and Climate"
Professor Inez Fung on "CO2 Life Fantastic: the Global Carbon Cycle"
The Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2015 - Kepler Space Mission: A Step in the Search for Life in our Galaxy
Special Pre-Lecture Talk - Earth 2.0
Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee on "Gene and Health"
Prof. Tony Chan on 'What's Math got to do with it?'
Professor Lau Yun Wong James on “Evolution in the Treatment of Bleeding Peptic Ulcer”(Full Version)
Professor Lau Yun Wong James on “Evolution in the Treatment of Bleeding Peptic Ulcer”
Prof. Yau Shing-tung on Science and Humanity (Highlight Version)
Prof. Yau Shing-tung on Science and Humanity (Full Version)
Nobel Laureate Prof. Shinya Yamanaka on ‘New Era of Medicine with iPS Cells’
Innovations From CUHK
Prof. George Lusztig on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Representation Theory
Professor Nelson Lai-shun Lee on "At the Forefront — Challenges of Emerging Infectious Diseases to Physicians"(Highlight Version)
Professor Nelson Lai-shun Lee on "At the Forefront — Challenges of Emerging Infectious Diseases to Physicians" (Full Version)
Prof Kenneth Young on "A Special Lecture: Principle of Least Action"
Prof. Duan Li on ‘Taking the Challenge in Coping with Time Inconsistency in Dynamic Decision Making’ (Highlight Version)
Prof. Duan Li on ‘Taking the Challenge in Coping with Time Inconsistency in Dynamic Decision Making’ (Full Version)
New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China 2013/14 by Professor Yi Rao "Genes and Behaviors"
Prof. Tony Mok on 'Declaration of War Against Lung Cancer'(Full Version)
Prof. Tony Mok on 'Declaration of War Against Lung Cancer'(Highlight Version)
Prof. YAU Shing-tung on "150 Years of Mathematics at Harvard" (Highlight Version)
Prof. YAU Shing-tung on "150 Years of Mathematics at Harvard" (Full Version)
Professor Gabriel Ngar-Cheung Lau on: "Diagnosis of Atmospheric Variability Associated with Storm Tracks, El Nino, Heat Waves and Climate Change" (Highlight Version)
Professor Gabriel Ngar-Cheung Lau on: "Diagnosis of Atmospheric Variability Associated with Storm Tracks, El Nino, Heat Waves and Climate Change"(Full Version)
Professor Barry James Marshall on "Helicobacter Pylori: Modern Uses for the Ancient Bacterium" (Highlight Version)
Professor Barry James Marshall on "Helicobacter Pylori: Modern Uses for the Ancient Bacterium" (Full Version)
Prof. Zhong Nanshan on "From SARS to H7N9 — Management of Acute Respiratory Virus Infection in China" (Highlight Version)
Prof. Zhong Nanshan on "From SARS to H7N9 — Management of Acute Respiratory Virus Infection in China" (Full Version)
The Shaw Prize Lecture by The Shaw Laureates in Life Science and Medicine 2013
Prof. Samuel Sun on "Sailing the Seas of Science: The Dream of Hong Kong Plant Scientists" (Highlight Version)
Prof. Samuel Sun on "Sailing the Seas of Science: The Dream of Hong Kong Plant Scientists" (Full Version)
Prof. Chu Ming-chung on "Ghost particles and the evolution of the universe" (Highlight Version)
Prof. Chu Ming-chung on "Ghost particles and the evolution of the universe" (Full Version)
"The Communication of Advances in Medicine" by Dr. William Summerskill
Prof. Cheung Kwok Wai on "Rhapsody on Innovation" (Highlight Version)
Prof. Cheung Kwok Wai on "Rhapsody on Innovation" (Full Version)
Prof. Emily Chan on "Evidence-based health & medical intervention: How do we do our work in rural ethnic minority communities in China?" (Highlight version)
Prof. Emily Chan on "Evidence-based health & medical intervention: How do we do our work in rural ethnic minority communities in China?" (Full Version)
Professor Anthony Tak Cheung Chan on "An Unexpected Journey"
Professor Richard J Davidson on "Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind" (Full Version)
Professor Richard J Davidson on "Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind" (Highlight Version)
The Shaw Prize Lecture by The Shaw Laureates in Astronomy 2012
A Public lecture: The Higgs Boson and Yang—Mills Theory
Lecture by Nobel Laureates Professor Ei-ichi Negishi - "Pursuit of My Dreams for Half-a-Century"
Inaugural Lecture of Stanley Ho Professorship of Respiratory Medicine by Professor David Shu-cheong Hui on "Respiratory Failure: from SARS to Severe Influenza"
Lecture by Professor Jean Woo on “On the Fringe of Society”
Lecture by Professor Yang Huanming on "Genomics and Personalized Medicine"
Lecture by Professor Venkatraman Ramakrishnan on “How do Antibiotics Block the Protein Factory of Pathogenic Bacteria?”
Professor Robbert Dijkgraaf on "The Frontiers, Borders and Limits of Science"
Lecture by Professor Kwan Hoi Shan
Professor Paul B S Lai on "Surgical Safety – the number one issue in Surgery Today"
Lecture by Professor Chester Shu
Public Lecture by Professor Shu Ching Tat on "Optical Fibre Communications: Charm and Challenges"
Public Lecture by Professor Cheung Kwok Wai on "Professor Charles Kao: Pioneer, Scientist, Innovator and Entrepreneur"
Lecture by Dr. Song Jianon "Six Decades of Science and Technology: in Service to the Nation
Public Lecture by Mr. Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation on "Rethinking Computing"
Professor Chi-Huey Wong "Post-translational Glycosylation: Challenges and Opportunities"
Public Lecture by Professor Wong Wing-shing
Public Lecture by Professor Chu Ming Chun
Public Lecture by Professor Puay-peng Ho
Lecture by Prof Wu Cheng
Public Lecture by Professor Louis Ignarro on "The Road to Stockholm - A Nobel Mission"
Public Lecture by Professor Sung Jao Yiu Joseph
Conversation with Professor Sir Martin J. Evans
Professor Sir Martin J. Evans on "The Origins of ES Cells"
Professor Liu Yingli on "China's Hi-Technology Development and Challenges: A Shenzhen Perspective"
Conversation with Professor Carl E. Wieman
Professor Carl E. Wieman on "Science Education in the 21st Century: Using the Tools of Science to Teach Science"
Professor Erwin Neher on "Current Frontiers in the Neurosciences"
Conversation with Nobel Laureate Professor Craig C. Mello
Lecture by Professor Craig C. Mello on "Return to the RNAi World: Rethinking Gene Expression, Evolution and Medicine"
Lecture by Professor Professor Kurt Wüthrich on "Molecular Structures in Post-genomic Research"
Conversation with Prof. Yang Chen Ning and Prof. Martin L Perl, Nobel Laureates in Physics
Lecture by Professor Yang Chen Ning on "The Great Excitement in 1957 about Parity Nonconservation"
Lecture by Professor Martin L Perl on "Developing Creativity and Innovation in Engineering and Science"
Professor Thomas C. Schelling on "Managing Nuclear Proliferation"
Professor Louis J. Ignarro on "The Unique Role of Nitric Oxide As a Signaling Molecule"
Professor Samuel C.C. Ting on "Encounters with Modern Physics"
Dr. Richard J. Roberts on "Friends and Foes - the Unseen Bugs Who Share Our Planet"