QSIP: Support for Learning Diversity (2010 – 2016)
The Quality School Improvement Project: Support for Learning Diversity (QSIP-SLD) is an extension of the Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP). It adopts a comprehensive, interactive and organic approach under QSIP’s values and support modes to assist schools to cater for students’ learning diversity and plan for the long-term sustainable development.
Officially launched in 2010, the first phase of the project has provided professional support to 103 local primary and secondary schools in three years. In 2013, we received support form the Education Bureau to enter the second phase and continued to provide support to 120 secondary schools in three years.
We devote ourselves on consolidating the tripartite “trust, confidence and faith” between the university, schools and the government. We hold ‘Unity of Purpose’, ‘Empowerment Coupled with Responsibility’ and ‘Building on Strengths’ in trust, and guide school educators to broaden their horizons, welcome new knowledge, carry out reflections, engage in school reforms and construct the team cultures for schools to be self-improving.
Understanding Learner Diversity
Numerous studies on learner diversity have clearly pointed out that the ability of each learner is diversified and they have individual cognitive style and learning preferences, which in nature does not imply a good or bad judgment. However, it could lead to huge divergence in students’ learning performance and efficiency within a classroom. Together with the influence from students’ backgrounds, schools and society, learner diversity is very complicated. Students' academic performance is not enough to reflect the whole truth.

Schools’ Strategy on catering for learner diversity
Learner diversity is caused by complex factors. Therefore, one single policy, one teaching strategy or one learning activity is not an enough response to the issue. To effectively cater for learner diversity, we have to understand and accept different individuals, which is also the fundamentals of education.
To solve the problems aroused from the complicity of learner diversity, schools should consider a group of factors such as their own visions and missions, students' learning characteristics, teaching philosophies, teachers’ knowledge, teaching modes and teachers' power (e.g. the power to influence the curriculum and teaching leadership).
Regarding the enactment and implementation of the strategies on students to cater for learner diversity, schools should make themselves clear that whether these strategies are school-based, curriculum-based, lesson-based or student-based. Strategies of different scopes aim and work differently. Therefore, a diversified mix of strategies is more preferred than uniformed activities. We have categorized schools' trials on catering for learner diversity and concluded the following 19 commonly adopted strategies among schools. We also conducted thorough evaluations to look into each necessary conditions and feasibilities.
We can know whether the measure can meet the expected outcomes by asking the following questions:

Project support modes
The project is a voluntary, flexible and interactive partnership support scheme which provides one-year school-based professional support for primary and secondary schools. As an extension of QSIP, we follow our existing core values and preserve the comprehensive, interactive and organic support approach. On the other hand, we also foster the coordination over schools, curriculum developments, classroom teachings and sorts, which we believe, is more capable in bringing forward sustainable and effective changes than the ordinary or mechanical support projects. As long as the development work on learner diversity involves certain complicities and a broad dimension, a thorough planning with considering different areas is thus necessary, which is also the reason why we have to place emphasis on comprehensiveness in the project.
Each school is unique. They have different visions and missions, team culture, teaching philosophies, teachers’ power, students' level of attainment and learning characteristics. Therefore we cater each school as an individual case and outline the improvement pathways through conducting interviews and class observations. We also send our school development officers to carry out school attachments to help schools to understand themselves. We work hand in hand with the core task forces from our subject schools and set up initiatives to provide support of different modes and degrees in accordance with different needs and development strategies.
Inspired by the core values in QSIP, we have macro support ('Big wheel') and micro support ('Small wheel') in this project. 'Big wheel' generates to clarify stakeholders’ conceptual misunderstandings on 'learner diversity' to reach a consensus within the campus for further developments. And 'Small wheel', on the other hand, operates to choose focused initiatives for schools according to the needs and development preferences. We help schools to promote and enhance efforts to cater for learner diversity in the curriculum and in the teaching through on-the-spot assistance (e.g. professional workshops for teachers, joint preparation for lessons, class observations and evaluations). Our project upholds the flexibility and the complimentary coordination among the 'macro' and 'micro' supports and we look forward to seer greater effects with sustainability from our various measures.
One single measure cannot solve everything of learner diversity. The case is similar to the years of experience we have accumulated from promoting holistic school improvements in the project. Since we trust that every work on enhancing school efficiency should be school-based and individual-based, we have concluded this set of self-improving steps to foster the sustainable development to cater for students’ learning diversity: evaluate the schools, continue with evidence-based support, clarify needs, reach consensus, formulate policies, implement actions, carry out evaluations and spread experience.
List of Participating Schools(2014-2015) |
Secondary School |
- Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School
- Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- CUHK Fedeartion of Alumni Assocations Thomas
- Cheung Secondary School
- ELCHK Lutheran Academy
- HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
- Hong Kong Taoist Association The Yuen Yuen institute No.1 Secondary School
- Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)
- Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
- Lock Tao Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Ku Chiu Man Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College
- Lok Sin Tong Young Ko Hsiao Lin Secondary School
- Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College
- Munsang College
- New Asia Middle School
- NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
- Notre Dame College
- Pentecostal School
- Po Kok Secondary School
- Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College
- Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching (1984) College
- Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei CollegeE
- Pok Oi Hospital Tang Pui King Memorial College
- Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
- Rhenish Church Pang Hok-Ko Memorial College
- S.K.H. all Saints’ Middle School
- San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School
- Semple Memorial Secondary School
- Sheng Kung Hui Lam Kau Mow Secondary School
- Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School
- ST. Stephen’s Girls’ College
- Stewards Pooi Kei College
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- The Church of Christ in China Fong Yun Wah Secondary School
- The Church of Christ in China Kei Chi Secondary School
- The Church of Christ in China Kei Long College
- The Church of Christ in China Ming Yin College
- The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals C.Y. Ma Memorial College Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
List of Participating Schools(2013-2014) |
Secondary School |
- The Church of Christ in China Kei Chi Secondary School
- The Church of Christ in China Mong Man Wai College
- The Church of Christ in China Ming Yin College
- Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
- Queen Elizabeth School
- Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
- Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College
- Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School
- Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)
- Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals S.C. Gaw Memorial College
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Kwok Yat Wai College
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fung Ling College
- Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School
- Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College
- HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kk Secondary School
- Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko PanMemorial College
- The Y.W.C.A.Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
- Semple Memorial Secondary School
- Hong Kong and Kowloon KaiFong Women’s Association Sun Fong Chung College
- Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College
- Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College
- Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School
- NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
- New Asia Middle School
- De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.
- San Wui Ccommercial Ssociety Secondary School
- Sheng Kung Hui Lam Kau Mow Secondary School
- S.K.H. Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
- Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung)
- Marymount Secondary School
- Fukien Secondary School
- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Young Ko Hsiao Lin Secondary School
- Lung Cheung Government Secondary School
- Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
- Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
List of Participating Schools(2012-2013) |
Primary School |
Secondary School |
- Baptist (STW) Lui Ming Choi Primary School
- C.C.C. Chuen Yuen Second Primary School
- E.L.C.H.K. Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School
- GCEPSA Whampoa Primary School
- Hong Kong and Macau Lutheran Church Primary School
- Hop Yat Church School
- Lok Wah Catholic Primary School
- S.K.H. Ching Shan Primary School
- S.K.H. Kowloon Bay Kei Lok Primary School
- The Little Flower’s Catholic Primary School
- The Salvation Army Lam Butt Chung Memorial School
- Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
- Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- CCC Mong Man Wai College
- China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
- Clementi Secondary School
- HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School
- Kiangsu – Chekiang College (Kwai Chung)
- Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Po Leung Kuk C W Chu College
- Shatin Pui Ying College
- Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
- TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College
- Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
- Ying Wa Girls’ School
List of Participating Schools(2011-2012) |
Primary School |
Secondary School |
- C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School
- Chan’s Creative School (H.K.Island)
- Christian Alliance Toi Shan H C Chan Primary School
- GCEPSA Whampoa Primary School
- Lam Tin Methodist Primary School
- North Point Government Primary School (Cloudview Road)
- S.K.H. Ching Shan Primary School
- S.K.H. Kei Yan Primary School
- S.K.H. Kowloon Bay Kei Lok Primary School
- S.K.H. Yat Sau Primary School
- S.T.F.A. Leung Kit Wah Primary School
- Si Yuan School of the Precious Blood
- Tai Po Old Market Public School (Plover Cove)
- The Salvation Army Lam Butt Chung Memorial School
- TWGHs Hok Shan School
- Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School
- Y.O.T. Madam Lau Wong Fat Primary School
- Yaumati Kaifong Association School
- Yuen Long Government Primary School
- Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
- CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School
- CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School
- CCC Kei Yuen College
- Chung Sing Benevolent Society Mrs. Aw Boon Haw Secondary School
- Cognitio College (HK)
- Confucius Hall Secondary School
- Fanling Government Secondary School
- Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School
- Kiangsu – Chekiang College (Kwai Chung)
- Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
- PLK Wai Yin College
- Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section)
- SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
- Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School
- The Jockey Club Eduyoung College
- TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College
- TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College
- Valtorta College
- YPI & CA Lee Lim Ming College
List of Participating Schools(2010-2011) |
Primary School |
Secondary School |
- C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School
- Central And Western District St. Anthony’s School
- Chan’s Creative School (H.K.Island)
- Christian Alliance Toi Shan H C Chan Primary School
- Fanling Government Primary School
- GCEPSA Whampoa Primary School
- Lam Tin Methodist Primary School
- Po Kok Primary School
- S.K.H. Ho Chak Wan Primary SchoolS.K.H. Ching Shan Primary School
- Tai Po Baptist Public School
- The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School
- Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial Primary School
- TWGHs Hok Shan School
- Y.O.T. Madam Lau Wong Fat Primary School
- Yuen Long Government Primary School
- Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School
- CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School
- CCC Kei Heep Secondary School
- CCC Kei Yuen College
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
- Confucius Hall Secondary School
- Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
- Holy Carpenter Secondary School
- Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College
- Newman Catholic College
- PHC Wing Kwong College
- PLK Wai Yin College
- Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section)
- Sha Tin Government Secondary School
- SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
- St. Francis Xavier’s College
- Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School
- TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College
- TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
- Valtorta College