School-based support

Every school is unique. One single measure cannot solve everything of learner diversity. Based on the contexts, needs and development strategies of each school, we set up initiatives to provide support of different modes and degrees.

Support in different levels

Our work can be divided into “macro” and “micro” levels. “Macro” level support, also known as “Big Wheel” programme, aims at evaluating the present situation for schools and formulating future development, in order to establish a self-improving system base on teamwork and create a favorable culture. “Micro” level support, also known as “Small Wheel” programme, aims at enhancing the teaching and learning performance as well as teachers’ proficiency, improving the learning efficiency of students by creating a favourable environment. “Big Wheel” programme focuses on establishing a favourable environment and culture for school improvement, while “Small Wheel” programme enhances teachers’ proficiency and students’ learning efficiency. Through the complimentary interactions of “Big Wheel” and “Small Wheel” support, school improvement can be fostered continuously and effectively.

Project Features: Support on Macro and Micro Basis

Under our duo macro and micro support, our project operates as if an engine composing of big wheels and small wheels. The complimentary effect from the support in different scopes enhances its effect and sustainability, in a flexible manner.