Director's Message


Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP) has been established for over 20 years.  Under the excellent leadership of the two former directors, QSIP evolved from a single project to an organization, which implements various programmes, facilitating school improvement. Since the 2019/20 school year, we successfully strengthened the “parallel mode” of professional support.  We have carried out several aided projects on different themes, which served as an entry point for enhancing teaching effectiveness through collaborative professional learning.  At the same time, we have tailor-made self-financing programmes for individual schools to meet their improvement needs.


Over the past two decades, QSIP has supported different types of schools to address a wide variety of education issues, which include catering for learner diversity, fostering self-directed learning, implementing life-wide/cross-curricular learning, developing Chinese Culture curricula, enhancing teachers’ assessment literacy and strengthening middle management. Whichever issues the schools are resolving, we make every effort to assist our clients in developing a self-improving mechanism to achieve comprehensive school improvement – the central premise of QSIP. Therefore, no matter which type of project it is, an aided one or a self-financing one, QSIP undertakes it by adopting the philosophy of comprehensive school improvement. We pay careful attention to the group dynamics at the school level, departmental subject level and teacher level, and the roles they play in school improvement.  Through conducting teacher workshops and meetings as well as co-organizing students’ activities with teachers, our ultimate goal is to equip teachers with the knowledge and skill to make positive changes in their teaching.  We are eager to close a collaborative project by seeing the school and its teachers consolidating and disseminating successful experience within the school and anchoring them as a new approach in the school development culture.


QSIP will continue the good tradition of working with the frontline through various platforms under the philosophy of comprehensive school improvement.  Moreover, we will enhance our communication with professionals in different fields, and publicize our news and events through multi-channels in order to stimulate discussions of educational issues.



Chan Hung Cheong, Morton
Quality School Improvement Project