
Gifted and talented students are our society's precious and valuable assets. To help them fully develop their potential and abilities so that they could make greater contributions to the society, much resource is needed.

The Program for the Gifted and Talented (PGT) has put much effort and resource to unfold the potential of gifted and talented students, and to meet their special educational needs through specially designed out-of-school programs and services. With the intention of providing equal opportunities for students from deprived families to join the gifted programs, the PGT has set up scholarships from the PGT’s reserve and also from various donations from the public.

If you support our work, and want to provide financial assistance for gifted students of lower-income families to acquire quality learning, you can make a donation for the development of PGT or the scholarship for the gifted and talented students. Please complete the following Donation Form and send it back to us along with your cheque. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Download Donation Form

Program for the Gifted and Talented Scholarship

Details of the scholarship issued for the Winter Program for the Gifted and Talented 2019 are as follows:

2019 Spring 2019 Summer 2019 Winter
Mr. NG Pak Chau Scholarship HK$7,340
(7 Applications)
(3 Applications)
(7 Applications)
RUIZHE Scholarship HK$7,070
(6 Applications)
(4 Applications)
(6 Applications)
YANDARIN Scholarship HK$2,910
(4 Applications)
(2 Applications)
(5 Applications)
Chong Sung Wo & Wong Chiu Lan Memorial Scholarship HK$1,890
(3 Applications)
(3 Applications)
Scholarship from PGT HK$102,430
(50 Applications)
(82 Applications)
(52 Applications)

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all donors and those who support the PGT.