The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Emperor’s law and deity’s power: the making of late-imperial Huizhou (1300-1800)

Principal Investigator

PUK Wing Kin

Total Fund Awarded


Funding Source

RGC General Research Fund

Abstract of Project

         If Huizhou徽州 was a theatre of state-society interaction in late imperial China, then the main stage in this theatre must be the Wangdiu汪帝 Temple in Shexianu歙縣. Known officially as the Yueguogongu越國公, Wangdi was the most respected and worshipped deity in Huizhou. By exploring the worship of Wangdi and the legal dispute over the Wangdi Temple in Shexian in Ming-Qing era, this project unveils the processes and mechanisms of the formation of local society and the transformation of state power in Huizhou.

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