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Last updated : 2020-12-8
Faculty of Medicine

Name: CHUNG Pui Wah Jacqueline

Title: Associate Professor

Spoken Language: English, Cantonese, Putonghua

Area of Expertise: Reproductive medicine including infertility, fertility preservation, reproductive surgery, assisted reproductive technology, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, preimplantation genetic testing and recurrent miscarriage
Tel: 3505 1526

Name: LEUNG Tak Yeung

Title: Chairman / Professor

Spoken Language: English, Cantonese, Putonghua

Area of Expertise: Perinatal medicine, prenatal diagnosis, fetal medicine, fetal therapy, obstetrics, obstetric ultrasography, prenatal genetic diagnosis
Tel: 3505 1526

Name: POON Chiu Yee Liona

Title: Professor

Spoken Language: English, Cantonese, Putonghua

Area of Expertise: Prediction and prevention of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, preterm preeclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy
Tel: 3505 1526

Name: TAM Wing Hung

Title: Professor

Spoken Language: English, Cantonese, Putonghua

Area of Expertise: High risk pregnancy including medical disease in pregnancy e.g. gestational diabetes, thyroid disorder, hypertensive disorder, thromboembolism, maternal nutrition including gut microbiome in pregnancy, maternal health after pregnancy complication, area on “First 1000 Days of Life” and “Developmental Origin of Health and Disease”
Tel: 3505 1526
