[2020][2019][2018][2017][2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005][2004] [2003][Previous]


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  6. L.Z. Zhang, J.C. Yu, A.W. Xu, Q. Li, K.W. Kwong, S.H. Yu "Peanut-shaped nanoribbon bundle superstructures of malachite and copper oxide" JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 266 (4): 545-551 (2004)
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  8. Q. Li, K.W. Kwong, D. Ozkaya, D.J.H. Cockayne "Self-assembled periodical polycrystalline-ZnO/a-C nanolayers on Zn nanowire" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 92 (18)186102 (2004) [PDF]
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  13. Wong YH, and Li Q "Study of the crystallinity of ZnO in the Zn/ZnO nanocable heterostructures" JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 14, 1413 - 1418, 2004.