The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the academic seminar “From Florence to the Philippines: Humanist Eloquence and Iberian Global Empire” conducted by Dr. Stuart MCMANUS on 6 October 2017

Dr. Stuart MCMANUS of the Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago, was invited by the Department to present a lecture to the Department’s postgraduate students.

In this seminar, Dr. MCMANUS examined that the orators and preachers who travelled across Asia, Africa and the Americas by riding on the coattails of European conquistadors and merchants. They relied heavily on the Classical Rhetorical Tradition, the persuasive techniques developed in Greece and Rome, to bolster European imperial and evangelisation, especially the Jesuits.


Upcoming Events

Academic Seminar

20 October 2017 (Friday)
Date : 20 October 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 國共黨爭中的工人與幫會——以20世紀二三十年代的上海為中心
Speaker : Dr. TIAN Ming
Taiyuan University of Technology
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Academic Seminar

27 October 2017 (Friday)
Hong Kong's Colonial Governance and the Chinese Community's Response to Sanitation Policies (Late 19th to Early 20th Century)
Date : 27 October 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : Hong Kong’s Colonial Governance and the Chinese Community’s Response to Sanitation Policies (Late 19th to Early 20th Century)
Speaker : Prof. HO Pui Yin
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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