[2020][2019][2018][2017][2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003][Previous]

2002 and before

  1. Li Q, Kim IW, Barnett SA, et al. "Structures of AlN/VN superlattices with different AlN layer thicknesses" JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 17 (5): 1224-1231 MAY 2002
  2. Hu JQ, Li Q, Meng XM, Lee CS, Lee ST, "Synthesis and nanostructuring of patterned wires of alpha-GeO2 by thermal oxidation", ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 14, 1396-1399, 2002
  3. Gerhards I, Ronning C, Vetter U, Hofsass H, Gibhardt H, Eckold G, Li Q, Lee ST, Huang YL, Seibt M, "Ion beam synthesis of amorphous carbon thin films containing metallic nanoclusters", SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 158, 114-119, 2002
  4. Shang NG, Meng FY, Au FCK, Li Q, Lee CS, Bello I, Lee ST, "Fabrication and field emission of high-density silicon cone arrays", ADVANCED MATERIALS, SEP 16, Vol. 14, 1308, 2002
  5. Hu JQ, Li Q, Meng XM, Lee CS, Lee ST, "Synthesis of beta-Ga2O3 nanowires by laser ablation" JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol. 106, 9536-9539, 2002
  6. Hormann F, Peng HY, Bauer T, Li Q, Schreck M, Lifshitz Y, Lee ST, Stritzker B, "Flat epitaxial diamond/Ir(001) interface visualized by high resolution transmission electron microscopy" SURFACE SCIENCE, Vol. 513, 525-529, 2002
  7. Meng FY, Wong WK, Shang NG, Li Q, Bello I, "Multi-tip cones induced by ion-bombardment" VACUUM, Vol. 66, 71-76, 2002
  8. Li Q, Zhang RQ, Marks LD, Zhang WJ, Bello I, "Reactivity of different tBN environments serving as reaction sites in cBN film deposition" DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, Vol. 11, 1416-1421, 2002
  9. Shang NG, Meng FY, Chan CY, Li Q, Lee CS, Lee ST, Bello I, "Diamond grown on steel via in-situ formed interlayers", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, Vol. 16, 881-886, 2002
  10. Zhou XT, Li Q, Meng FY, Bello I, Lee CS, Lee ST, Lifshitz Y, "Manipulation of the equilibrium between diamond growth and renucleation to form a nanodiamond/amorphous carbon composite", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 80, 3307-3309, 2002
  11. Zhang WJ, Matsumoto S, Li Q, Bello I, Lee ST, "Growth behavior of cubic boron nitride films in a two-step process: Changing bias voltage, gas composition, and substrate temperature", ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Vol. 12, 250-254, 2002
  12. Hu JQ, Li Q, Wong NB, Lee CS, Lee ST, "Synthesis of uniform hexagonal prismatic ZnO whiskers" CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, Vol. 14, 1216- 1219, 2002
  13. He JZ, Xu JB, Xu MS, Xie Z, Wilson IH, Ma XL, Li Q, Wang N, Hung LS, Lee CS, Lee ST, "Dispersion, refinement, and manipulation of single silicon nanowires", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, MAR 11, Vol. 80, 1812-1814, 2002
  14. Li Q, Marks LD, Lifshitz Y, Lee ST, Bello I, "Controlling the nucleation environment of c-BN films and their related properties", PHYSICAL REVIEW B, JAN 15, Vol. 65, 045415, 2002
  15. Wong WK, Meng FY, Li Q, Au FCK, Bello I, Lee ST, "Field-emission properties of multihead silicon cone arrays coated with cesium", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, FEB 4, Vol. 80, 877-879, 2002
  16. Ma XL, Shang, NG, Li Q, Lee CS, Bello I, Lee ST, "Microstructural characterization of Si cones fabricated by Ar+-sputtering Si/Mo targets", JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, Vol. 234, 654-659, 2002
  17. Li Q, Bello I, Marks LD, Lifshitz Y, Lee ST, "Orientation effects in tBN/cBN interfaces: A transmission electron microscopic study", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, JAN 7, Vol. 80, 46-48, 2002
  18. Jin S, Li Q, Lee CS, "Direct growth of amorphous silicon oxide nanowires and crystalline silicon nanowires from silicon wafer", PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, NOV 23, Vol. 188, R1-R2, 2001
  19. Ronning C, Buttner M, Vetter U, Feldermann H, Wondratschek O, Hofsass H, Brunner W, Au FCK, Li Q, Lee ST, "Ion beam deposition of fluorinated amorphous carbon", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, OCT 15, Vol. 90, 4237-4245, 2001
  20. Li Q, Zhou ZF, Lee CS, Lee ST, Bello I, "Synthesis and characterization of cubic boron nitride films: substrate bias and ion flux effects", DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, SEP-OCT, Vol. 10, 1886-1891, 2001
  21. Lifshitz Y, Duan XF, Shang NG, Li Q, Wan L, Bello I, Lee ST, "Nanostructure - Epitaxial diamond polytypes on silicon",NATURE, JUL 26, Vol. 412, 6845, 404-404, 2001
  22. Lei MK, Li Q, Zhou ZF, Bello I, Lee CS, Lee ST, "Characterization and optical investigation of BCN film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering", THIN SOLID FILMS, JUN 15, Vol. 389, 194-199, 2001
  23. Kim IW, Li Q, Marks LD, Barnett SA, "Critical thickness for transformation of epitaxially stabilized cubic AlN in superlattices", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, FEB 12, 78, 892-894, 2001
  24. Li Q, Yu YH, Bhatia CS, Marks LD, Lee SC, Chung YW, "Low-temperature magnetron sputter-deposition, hardness, and electrical resistivity of amorphous and crystalline alumina thin films", JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS, 18, 2333-2338, 2000
  25. Zhou XT, Meng XM, Meng FY, Li Q, Bello I, Zhang WJ, Lee CS, Lee ST, Lifshitz Y, "Formation and structure of a-C/nanodiamond composite films by prolonged bias enhanced nucleation" DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 12, 1640-1646, 2003