Prof. CHIU Kin-fung, Thomas
BSc (HKUST), PGDE, PhD (HKU), MSc (PolyU)Assistant Professor

Thomas Chiu is Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has a passion for his work and for collaboration across institutions, disciplines and geographies, to further research, insights and the field as a whole. He has a strong academic background in Mathematics, Technology and Teacher Education – BSc (HKUST), PGDE, PhD (HKU), MSc (PolyU), Oracle Super Trainer and Microsoft System Trainer, with extensive teaching and leadership experience in schools.Thomas has expertise in quantitative and design-based research methodologies. His specializations include educational technology (multimedia learning, IT in education policy, online pedagogy), and motivation and learning (Self-determination theory). His research domains focus on mathematics and technology. He regularly presents at international and national conferences, and provides consultancy services on elearning policies, the design and organization of professional development activities. He is an international scholar of the Center for Self-determination theory. He served as a co-chair of the international conference International Mobile Learning Festival. Currently, he also sits on the editorial board of Frontiers in STEM Education and Journal of Education and Training Studies.
He is an award-winning educator and School-University Partnership Director, from his time with the University of Hong Kong. His teaching areas are Mathematics Education, Learning Sciences and Technology.
Outside of work, he is an avid chess, tennis, and football enthusiast.
To collaborate with Thomas in any of these professional or personal areas, please contact him at
I also provide consultancy services to design and organize school-based staff development activities.
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Research Areas
Technology enhanced learning; Motivation and learning; Mathematics and Technology education; Teacher education.Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Papers- Chiu T.K.F., & Chai, C.S. (2020). Sustainable Curriculum Planning for Artificial Intelligence Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Sustainability, 12(14), 5568;
- Chiu T.K.F., Lin T.J., & Lonka, Kirsti. (2020). Motivating online learning: The challenges of COVID-19 and beyond. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Special Issue call.
- Chiu, T.K.F., Jong, Morris, & Mok, I.A.C. (2020). Does learner expertise matter when designing emotional multimedia for learners of primary school mathematics? Educational Technology Research and Development.
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Lim, C.P. (2020). Strategic use of technology for inclusive education in Hong Kong: A content-level perspective, ECNU Review of Education
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Hew, T.K.F (2018). Asynchronous online discussion forum in MOOCs: Does openness matter for peer learning and performance?. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(4).
- Lam, Y.W., Hew, T.K.F., & Chiu, T.K.F. (2018) Improving Hong Kong secondary school students’ argumentative writing: Effects of a blended learning approach and gamification. Language Learning and Technology.
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Mok, I.A.C. (2017). Learner expertise and mathematics different order thinking skills in multimedia learning. Computers & Education.
- Chan, B.S.K., Churchill, D., & Chiu, T.K.F. (2017). Digital literacy learning in higher education through digital storytelling approach. Journal of International Education Research.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2017). Introducing electronic textbooks as daily-use technology in schools: A top-down adoption process. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2), 524-537.
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Churchill, D. (2016). Design of learning objects for concept learning: Effects of multimedia learning principles and an instructional approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1355-1370.
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Churchill, D. (2015). Adoption of mobile devices in teaching: Changes in teacher beliefs, attitudes and anxiety. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(2), 317-327.
- Chiu, T.K.F., & Churchill, D. (2015). Exploring the characteristics of an optimal design of digital materials for concept learning in mathematics: multimedia learning and variation theory. Computers & Education, 82, 280-291. Impact Factor: 3.819; Top 5% in educational research
- Churchill, D., Lu, J., & Chiu, T.K.F. (2014). Integrating mobile technologies, social media and learning design. Educational Media International, 51(3), 163-165.
Press release
- CUHK Study Reveals that Local Secondary School Students Face Great Challenges and Pressure in Online Learning Under the Epidemic (English version).
Scholar Books
- Churchill, D., Lu, J., Chiu, T.K.F., & Fox, B. (2016). Mobile Learning Design: Theories and Applications. Springer: New York Top ten scholar book seller in 2016 Springer
Books Chapters
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2016). Effects of Prior Knowledge on Mathematics Different Order Thinking Skills in Mobile Multimedia Environments Mobile learning: theories and applications. Springer: New York, 373-386.
Selected Conference papers
- Chiu, T.K.F., (2020). Six Key Principles in Designing AI Curriculum for Middle Schools. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, November 3-7, Jacksonville, Florida.
- Chai, C.S., Lin, P.Y., Jong, M.S.J., Dai, Yun, Chiu, T.K.F., & Huang, B.Y. (2020), Factors influencing students’ behavioral intention to continue artificial intelligence learning, International Symposium on Educational Technology 2020, July 21 – 24, 2020, Bangkok: Thailand.
- Weng, X.J., Jong, M.S.Y., & Chiu, T.K.F. (2020), Effects of Gamification on Undergraduate Students with Different Learning Styles, the 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2020), June 4-8, 2020, China.
- Chiu, T.K.F., (2020). Strategic use of content-specific and content-neutral technologies to cater learning diversity in Mathematics, In Proceedings the International Conference of Learning Sciences, June 19-23, 2020, Nashville, TN.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2019). Does an Emotional Multimedia Design Work for Everyone in Mathematics Learning? AERA Annual Meeting (Mathematics Education Section), April 5- 9, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2018). Learner expertise and emotional designs in Mathematics Learning. In Proceedings the International Conference of Learning Sciences, June 23-27, 2018, London, UK.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2018). The Role of Mathematics Spatial Thinking in Achievement and Interest of STEM Education. In Proceedings of the International Mobile Learning Festival, June 8-9, 2018, Singapore
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2017). Effects and contributions of external presentation comprising prior knowledge during multimedia learning. AERA Annual Meeting (Mathematics Education Section, April 27-May 1, 2017, San Antonio, Texas.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2017). How teacher beliefs and styles affect mobile instructional strategies. In Proceedings of the International Mobile Learning Festival, June 8-10, 2017, Hong Kong.
- Fok, W, Au Yeung, H.H.**, & Chiu, T.K.F. (2017) A Study of Mathematics E-Textbook Usage in Hong Kong Primary School. 2017 6th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT 2017), March 7-10, Cambridge, UK.
- Ng, K.H.**, & Chiu, T.K.F. (2017). Emotional Multimedia design for Developing Mathematical Problem solving Skills. HKAECT x AECT 2017 Summer International Research Symposium, June 15-17, 2017
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2016). Prior knowledge and mathematics order thinking skill in multimedia learning. The International Conference of Learning Sciences, June 20-24, 2016, Singapore.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2016). Learning designs and computational thinking skill. In Proceedings of the International Mobile Learning Festival, May 15-18, 2016, Bangkok
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2016). Design of multimedia external representation: cognitive processing. Paper presented at Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Applications, Aug 15-16, 2016, London, UK.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2015). Adoption of mobile learning in schools: Impact of changes in teacher values. In Proceedings of the International Mobile Learning Festival, May 22-23, 2015, Hong Kong.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2015). Design of multimedia external representation: cognitive processing. Paper presented at Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Applications, Aug 10-11, 2015, Birmingham, UK.
- Chiu, T.K.F. (2014). Effects of prior knowledge and content representation on mathematics concept learning in small screen environments. In Proceedings of the International Mobile Learning Festival, June 2-4, 2014 (pp. 201-215), Bali, Indonesia.
Selected Recent Projects
- 2020-2021 A Comparative Study on A Self-determination Theory Designed Professional Development Programmes for Artificial Intelligence Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. PI: Prof. Thomas Chiu, HK$39,200
- 2019-2022 AI for future, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. PI: Pro. YAM Yeung, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ $59,984,488.
- 2019-2021 Jockey Club Self-directed Learning in STEM Programme (賽馬會 STEM 自主學習計劃), The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, PI: Prof. Nancy Law, Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK$30,820,000.00
- 2017-2020 Technology enhanced STEM integration models: A Whole School Approach
- 2017-2018 Student Adaptive Learning System for Mathematics for Primary Schools to Enhance Learning and Teaching, EDB, PI: Dr Mok. 1.4 m.
- 2017-2018 Benefits of group-based working space in multimedia e-portfolios. Faculty Research Fund. HK$30,000.
- 2017-2019 Multilevel Leadership Network for SDL Innovation to Advance STEM Development, Self-Directed Learning as a Strategy to Promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education at the Upper Primary and Secondary Levels, Education Bureau. PI: Prof. Nancy Law. ~ HK$$8,658,000
- 2017-2019 Joint university collaboration to develop students’ competence and leadership in promoting integrated STEM education. Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning, UGC, Project Leader: Dr Yip Wing Yan Valerie, PI: Dr Lee. $4,953,900
- 2017-2018 Using innovative feedback approaches to enhance student learning, TDG, PI: Prof. Carless
- 2014-2017 Self-directed learning in Science with e-Learning and bilingual language support for learner diversity and smooth primary-secondary transition, EDB, PI: Prof. Law, ~ HK$$13,291,700,
- 2016-2018 Parallel curriculum design for STEM education. Quality Education Fund. HK$600,000. PI: Two Hong Kong Secondary schools.
- 2016-2018 Student engagement in online learning: What factors and strategies can be learnt from massive open online courses (MOOCs)?. Grant Research Fund. PI: Dr. Hew, T.K.F. HK$665,588.
- 2016-2018 Designing and Evaluating Four Master-Level Courses based on an Active Learning-Flipped Classroom-and-Gamification framework, Dean Innovation Fund. PI: Dr. Hew, T.K.F. HK$250,000.
- 2016-2017 Games: Playing, Learning and Society. Common Core Teaching Development Grant. HK$70,000
- 2015-2017 Student Acceptance and Continuance of learning management system usage: A school-based longitudinal study. Grant Research Fund. HK500,000. PI: Dr. Yuen, A.H.K.
- 2015-2016 Factors affecting motivation in multimedia learning. Faculty Research Fund. HK$30,000.
- 2014-2015 Google products to enhance the effectiveness of lesson planning, peer collaboration and dissemination of good practices among teachers. HK$ 1 million