Academic Staff
Professional Consultant
WONG Yi-lee, Eilly
BSW, M.Phil. (HKU), D.Phil. (University of Oxford)
phone 3943 6950
office HTB 412
- CV
Yi-Lee (Eilly) has been researching into social stratification and social mobility about post-war Hong Kong. And she has been working abroad for over a decade. Staying three years (2002-2005) in Eastern Europe (i.e. Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova), she taught courses in sociology and research methodology to both students and junior faculty there and also taught courses of research methods during the summers for a one-month summer school held in Issyuk Kul (in Kyrgyzstan in 2003 and 2004) and in Istanbul (in Turkey in 2005). Then, she was a researcher in Sendai (in Japan) working at the Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Tohoku University. And, she was teaching at the Faculty of Education, University of Macau, from 2009 to 2013.
- Higher Education
- Liberal Studies
- Narrative Study
- Sociology of Education
- BECE 2210 Foundations of Education
- EDUC 2240 Understanding Schooling and Education Policy in Hong Kong
- PGDE 5211 Structure & Process of Schooling
- PGDP 5301 Structure & Process of Schooling
- Yi-Lee Wong (2020). “Understanding Potential Social Engagement of Transfer Students with Native Students in Top-ranking Universities in Hong Kong: The Relevance of a Sense of Legitimacy“. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, pp. 1-16. Routledge.
- Yi-Lee Wong (2020). “‘Entitlement’ and ‘Legitimacy’ as emotional capital: living out class through a critical educational failure by community-college students in Hong Kong”. Studies in Higher Education, pp. 1-14. Routledge.
- Yi-Lee Wong (2019). “An Empirical Illustration of Social Legitimation through Hegemony: Narratives of Students from a Community College on Seeking a Transferal in Hong Kong”. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, pp. 1-16. Routledge.
- Yi-Lee Wong & Paula Kwan (2019). “School Choice and Whose Choice: The Case of Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools in Hong Kong”. Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, pp. 1-20. Routledge.
- Qing Liao & Yi-Lee Wong (corresponding author) (2019). “An emotional journey: pursuing a bachelor’s degree for rural students in four elite universities in Shanghai, PRC”. CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, pp. 1-15. Routledge.
- Yi-Lee Wong (2019). “Teacher Education in Macao”. International Handbook of Teacher Education (Volume 2) ed. by K.G. Karras and C.C. Wolhuter. pp.317-331. HM Studies and Publishing.
- 廖青 及 黃綺妮 (2018).<布爾廸厄實踐理論中的慣習及其在高等教育研究中的應用>. 《清華大學教育研究》 第39卷 第2期, 頁76-82. 中國北京: 清華大學教育研究編輯部.
- WONG Yi Lee (2018). “Angels falling from grace? The rectification experiences of middle-class community-college students in Hong Kong”. Studies in Higher Education, pp.1-13. Routledge.