The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “傳統中國福利實踐的社會邏輯——基於明清社會研究的解釋” Delivered by Prof. ZHANG Peiguo of Shanghai University on 6 April 2018

Prof. ZHANG Peiguo of the School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University, was invited by the Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, to present a lecture to faculty members and students.

Prof. ZHANG’s lecture focused on the interpretation of the social logic of traditional Chinese welfare practices from a sociological perspective. He pointed out that in the late Imperial China, “fu”, “ming” and “bao”, constituted not a symbolic system, but penetrated into shecang, yizhuang, yizhong and shantang and not as an aggregation of exploitation and production in the process of social reproduction. As a set of symbolic system, “fu”, “ming”, “bao” and other notions had integrated the rights of land in economic coercion, the tributary country, and the gentries into the system of symbolic domination.


Upcoming Events

Lecture Series on Historical Anthropology

Prof. ZHANG Peiguo of the School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University, has been invited by the Department to present the following lectures:

18 April 2018 (Wednesday)
Second Lecture
Date : 18 April 2018 (Wednesday)
Time : 10:30am–12:15pm
Venue : Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Topic : 清代紳權的二重支配
19 April 2018 (Thursday)
Third Lecture
Date : 19 April 2018 (Thursday)
Time : 10:30am–12:15pm
Venue : Room 220, 2/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Topic : 「贏利」抑或「保護」——清末民初嘉定縣地方善舉的轉型

The lectures will be conducted in Putonghua. For enquiries, please call 3943 7198.

Organiser: Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, CUHK
Sponsor: Faculty of Arts, CUHK


Workshops for the First-Year RPg Students 2017–18

Date: 20 April 2018 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok

Speaker Topic Language
TSE Nga Yin 兩周賵賻現象再研究 Putonghua
HO Chun Him 晚商都邑性質再探討 Putonghua
CHEUNG Chi Wai 是敵?是友?──基督教青年會與中國共產革命(1937–1957) Putonghua
CHEUNG Laura Expanding the British Empire in China: British Commercial Interests and the International Context, 1870–1914 Putonghua
TIAN Fang 公局、紳商與公司——清末民初山西的礦權糾紛與地方影響 Putonghua
WANG Jiayao 作為地方傳統的瑤老制——清到民國粵北排瑤社會初探 Putonghua

Date: 20 April 2018 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm–5:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Speaker Topic Language
KAN Xuqiang 自治與共謀:晚清重慶地方政府的財政與行政 Putonghua
MA Chaoran 重審國家與社會之間:圍繞清代法律制度的研究討論 Putonghua
ZHOU Shuzhe 明清集體行動的研究回顧 Putonghua
HUANG Yawen 順莊法之後的稅收與地方社會 Putonghua
LIU Yichen 度支的規則:十六世紀財政體制的演變 Putonghua

For enquiry, please call 3943 8541.


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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