QSIP-CEAL (2017 – 2020)

(English Version Only)

QSIP-CEAL, commissioned by the School-based Professional Support Section of the Education Bureau, endeavors to promote English language teachers’ assessment literacy in mainstream primary and secondary schools, with the target of Key Stages II (upper primary levels) and III (junior secondary levels).

Introduction Video

Main objectives

  • To equip teachers, not just English teachers but the entire teaching staff , with knowledge, skills and attitudes in employing effective assessment practices to inform their instruction ;
  • To strengthen the capacity of school leaders, including the curriculum and instructional leaders , to lead assessment-informed improvement actions;
  • To develop school-based practices of effective assessment in English Language teaching and learning on classroom, curriculum and administrative levels;
  • To empower students to engage themselves in assessment practices in monitoring and regulating individual learning

Multi-level focus of QSIP-CEAL

The support under QSIP-CEAL shall be delivered with the focus of:

The workflow:

Commitments of project schools

To facilitate effective collaboration, interested schools are encouraged to consider the following aspects as per their readiness of participation:

  • a core team of teachers with capacity and readiness for collaboration (particularly in occasions that lesson observations are necessary to track student’s learning under in-class assessment practices);
  • permissions for the project to get access to and take part in the evolvement of assessment tools
  • active involvement of school and curriculum leaders, who possess positional and professional power to help lead and sustain assessment-related initiatives administrative arrangements and support to facilitate collaboration (which include: accessibility to assessment design and data, flexible timetabling for lesson planning and observation, plans for division of labour, etc.)
  • schools’ willingness to disseminate good practices on internal and inter-school platforms

Participating Schools


List of Participating Primary Schools

  1. Catholic Mission School
  2. Sacred Heart Canossian School
  3. TWGHs Wong See Sum Primary School
  4. Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School

List of Participating Secondary Schools

  1. Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
  2. PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School
  3. TWGHs Li Ka Shing College
  4. Tin Shui Wai Methodist College


List of Participating Primary Schools

  1. Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation Fong Shu Chuen Primary School
  2. Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School
  3. Kwai-Ming Wu Memorial School Of The Precious Blood
  4. Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School
  5. Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary School
  6. Sau Ming Primary School
  7. Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School
  8. S.K.H. Fung Kei Millennium Primary School
  9. S.K.H. Kei Tak Primary School
  10. The Church Of Christ In China Chuen Yuen First Primary School
  11. The Church Of Christ In China Kei Wa Primary School
  12. The Church Of Christ In China Kei Wan Primary School
  13. The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund School
  14. Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Wai Chow School

List of Participating Secondary Schools

  1. Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College
  2. Hong Kong & Kowloon Chiu Chow Public Association Secondary School
  3. Our Lady Of The Rosary College
  4. Queen Elizabeth School Old Students’ Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School

Project Deliverables

Primary Schools

Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School

Kwai-Ming Wu Memorial School of the Precious Blood

Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak primary School

Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary School

Sau Ming Primary School

Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School

S.K.H. Fung Kei Millennium Primary School

S.K.H. Kei Tak Primary School

The Church Of Christ In China Chuen Yuen First Primary School

The Church Of Christ In China Kei Wa Primary School

The Church Of Christ In China Kei Wan Primary School

The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund School

Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Wai Chow School

Secondary Schools

Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College

Hong Kong & Kowloon Chiu Chow Public Association Secondary School

Our Lady of The Rosary College

Queen Elizabeth School Old Students’ Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School

Fax: 2603-7551
Email: qsi@fed.cuhk.edu.hk