PHYS3403 Introduction to Soft and Living Matter Physics | |
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This course aims to offer a quantitative introduction to the dynamics of soft matter (complex fluids, synthetic soft materials and biomaterials) and living matter (living biological systems that can self-organize, self-replicate, and adapt to the environment). Soft and living matters constitute a major part of the physical world around human beings. The large complexity, the far-from-equilibrium nature, and the rich emergent phenomena of soft and living matter present many challenges and opportunities for contemporary science across multiple disciplines. The contents of this course integrate interdisciplinary knowledge from physics, chemistry and life sciences. The course is suitable for students from physics, chemistry, life science, mechanical engineering, and biomedical engineering. Prerequisite: PHYS 2041 or CHEM 2300 or equivalent introductory course that covers thermodynamics, or permission of instructor.
WU Yilin
Office: SC 306, Tel: 3943-6354
Email: ylwu AT (please replace AT by @)
Consultation Hour: University office hours or by appointment
WANG Yuhao
Office: Run Run Shaw Science Building LG207, Tel: 3943-6394
Email: yhwang AT (please replace AT by @)
Consultation Hour: 10:30 am - 12:15 pm Tuesday, or by appointment.
Topic: PHYS3403 Tutorial Classes
ZOOM Meeting ID: 514 132 253
Password: soft2020
Tu 2:30PM - 4:15PM Mong Man Wai Bldg 707
Th 2:30PM - 4:15PM Mong Man Wai Bldg 707
Session A:
Mo 3:30PM - 4:15PM
Lady Shaw Bldg C5
Session B:
Th 6:30PM - 7:15PM
Cheng Yu Tung Building 215
Topic: PHYS3403 Tutorial Classes
ZOOM Meeting ID: 514 132 253
Password: soft2020
Richard A. L. Jones, ¡¥Soft Condensed Matter¡¦, Oxford University Press, 2002. CUHK Library Ref. No. QC173.458.S62 J66 2002. Masao Doi, ¡¥Soft Matter Physics¡¦ Oxford University Press, 2013. CUHK Library Ref. No. QC173.458.S62 .D65 2013. Philip Nelson, 'Biological physics : energy, information, life'. New York : W. H. Freeman and Co. 2014. CUHK Library Ref. No. QH505 .N37 2014. Rob Phillips, Jane Kondev, Julie Theriot, Hernan G. Garcia, 'Physical biology of the cell', Garland Science 2013. CUHK Library Ref. No. QH505 .P455 2013.
Homework 25% Quiz 1 + Quiz 2 30% +30% Final Project 15%
1. Basic concepts in thermodynamics and physical chemistry
2. Molecular interactions
3. Molecules in motion
4. Materials in motion
5. Interfacial phenomena
6. Diffusion in living processes
7. Self-assembly of biomolecules and molecular machines
8. Energetics and electrical behavior of cells
9. Dynamics in the cell
10. Mechanics and motile behavior of cells