![]() | 叶菁华 |
Director, Divinity School of Chung Chi College Director, The Centre for Christian Studies |
研究兴趣 |
The task of systematic theology is “reinterpretation of the tradition for the present situation” (David Tracy). This is the task for every generation of theologians, including pastor, preachers, church musicians, lay leaders, and seminary teachers. Systematic theology is not simple reiteration of what theologians have said in the past, but reinterpretation of it for the present situation. The Christian tradition to be reinterpreted, which includes biblical writings and church dogmas that are regarded by many as universally and everlastingly valid, is itself the product of intended or unintended responses to the social, cultural, ecclesial, and historical contexts that have been shaping it. The meaning, significance, and implications of any aspect of the tradition thus cannot be properly understood apart from these contexts.
Theology and Politics in Hong Kong Christianity: Sermons, Prayers and Disputes
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- “Christianity and the Political Religion of China.” In Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging. Edited by Leerom Medovoi and Elizabeth Bentley. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (forthcoming)
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- 〈「知己知彼」研究计划:社会学研究对香港「教会现况学」的贡献〉。《教牧职事的召命:神学、灵性、实践》。李耀全编。香港:香港中文大学崇基学院神学院,2009。104-110。
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- “Protestant Christianity in Contemporary China.” In Chinese Religions in Contemporary Societies, edited by James Miller. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2006. 175-205.
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