Research highlights
A universal method for depositing patterned materials
The core of high-performance chip manufacturing is to pattern microscale and nanoscale material structures with high precision. The current photolithography technique involves complex procedures that include multiple cycles of spin coating of photoresist, positioning, exposure, developing, evaporation deposition, electroplating and lift-off process, carried out all in super clean room, and requires expensive equipment, such as mask aligner and vapor deposition machine. We proposed and developed a single step laser direct writing technology. This novel method combines laser induced optical trap and light induced chemical reduction reaction. After the preparation of “ink”, a direct material deposition with high precision can be achieved on a regular confocal laser scanning microscope platform. This method significantly simplifies electronics fabrication, especially for making quantum technology chips, flexible device and repairing circuits.
News coverages:
A universal method for depositing patterned materials in-situ
Yifan Chen, Siu Fai Hung, Wing Ki Lo, Yang Chen, Yang Shen, Kim Kafenda, Jia Su, Kangwei Xia, and Sen Yang, arXiv:2010.08305 (2020), Nature Communications 11, 5334 (2020) also Selected by the Editor's Highlights