Lecture TimeMonday 6:30pm-9:10pm
Lecturer TSE Wai Kit Wicky ((852) 3943 1762 / wickytse@cuhk.edu.hk)
Teaching Assistant ZHAN Jingyu (1155073877@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
第一講 導論:為甚麼要研究古代戰爭?
第二講 軍事史研究的一些概念、術語及學術現況
第三講 早期社會的集體暴力
第四講 華夏國家的建立與貴族武裝的登場
第五講 軍國體制與全方位戰爭
第六講 亂世中對暴力的思考
第七講 大一統帝國的戰略順序
第八講 帝國之下的軍事文化與地域分野
第九講 帝國崩解與武將群體的冒起
第十講 中古早期的暴力橫行與軍事化措置
第十一講 宗教信仰與戰爭暴力
第十二講 文學中的戰爭想像
第十三講 世界史視野下的古代中國戰爭
· 學期論文 (約7000字) 70%
· 導修口頭報告、評論及討論表現 30%
第一講 導論:為甚麼要研究古代戰爭?
–Victor Davis Hanson, “Why Study War?” City Journal (Summer 2007)
第二講 軍事史研究的一些概念、術語及學術現況
–Jeremy Black, Rethinking Military History. London: Routledge, 2004. pp. 26-65.
第三講 早期社會的集體暴力
–R. Brian Ferguson, “The Birth of War.” Natural History 2003(July/August): 28-35.
–Roderick Campbell, “Transformations of Violence: On Humanity and Inhumanity in Early China.” in Roderick Campbell ed., Violence and Civilization: Studies of Social Violence in History and Prehistory. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2014. pp. 94-118.
第四講 華夏國家的建立與貴族武裝的登場
–Wicky W. K. Tse, “Warfare.” in Paul R. Goldin ed., Routledge Handbook of Early Chinese History. London: Routledge, 2018. pp. 319-335.
第五講 軍國體制與全方位戰爭
–Wicky W. K. Tse, “Cutting the Enemy’s Line of Supply: The Rise of the Tactic and Its Use in Early Chinese Warfare.” Journal of Chinese Military History 6.2 (2017): 131-156.
第六講 亂世中對暴力的思考
—-Christopher C. Rand, Military Thought in Early China. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017. pp. 97-128.
第七講 大一統帝國的戰略順序
–謝偉傑,〈論漢高帝一朝的北境動亂〉,《漢學研究》25: 1 (2007.6): 31-58.
–Mark Edward Lewis, “The Han Abolition of Universal Military Service” in Hans van de Ven ed., Warfare in Chinese History. Leiden: Brill, 2000. pp. 33-75.
第八講 帝國之下的軍事文化與地域分野
–邢義田,〈 試釋漢代的關東、關西與山東、山西〉,載氏著,《治國安邦:法制、行政與軍事》(北京:中華書局,2011),頁180-210。
–Wicky W. K. Tse, The Collapse of China’s Later Han Dynasty, 25-220 CE: The Northwest Borderlands and the Edge of Empire. London: Routledge, 2018. pp. 55-97.
第九講 帝國崩解與武將群體的冒起
–川勝義雄 著,徐谷芃、李濟滄 譯,《六朝貴族制社會研究》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2007),頁85-123、154-186。
–Wicky W. K. Tse, The Collapse of China’s Later Han Dynasty, 25-220 CE: The Northwest Borderlands and the Edge of Empire. London: Routledge, 2018. pp. 98-136.
第十講 中古早期的暴力橫行與軍事化措置
–Edward L. Dreyer, “Military Aspects of the War of the Eight Princes, 300-307.” in Nicola Di Cosmo ed., Military Culture in Imperial China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009. pp. 112-142.
第十一講 宗教信仰與戰爭暴力
–劉淑芬,〈從民族史的角度看太武滅佛〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》72本1分 (2001) ,頁1-48。
–Chi-tim Lai, “Daoism and Political Rebellion during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.” in Frederick Hok-ming Cheung and Ming-chiu Lai eds., Politics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999. pp. 77-100.
第十二講 文學中的戰爭想像
–David A. Graff, “Narrative Maneuvers: The Representation of Battle in Tang Historical Writing.” in Nicola Di Cosmo ed., Military Culture in Imperial China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009. pp. 143-164.
第十三講 世界史視野下的古代中國戰爭
本週閱讀:–Wicky W. K. Tse, “Violence and Warfare in Early Imperial China,” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume I: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds, edited by Garrett G. Fagan, Linda Fibiger, Mark Hudson and Matthew Trundle (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 277-295.
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