HIST2220 二十世紀中國之革命與現代化
2020-2021年度 第二學期
- 二十世紀的中國主調:革命、民族主義、現代化
- Zarrow, Ch. 1, “The Rise of Confucian Radicalism,” pp. 12-29.
- 辛亥革命:革命論述與國民塑造
- Zarrow, Ch. 2, “1911: History and Historiography,” pp. 30-52; Ch. 3, “Ideas and Ideals in the Fall of the Qing,” pp. 53-74.
- 「黨國」的出現:國民黨統治下的國家與社會 [Tutorial 1]
- Zarrow, Ch. 12, “The Northern Expedition and the Rise of Chiang Kai-shek,” pp. 230-247; Ch. 13, “The Nanjing Decade, 1928–37: The Guomindang Era,” pp. 248-270.
- Wakeman, Frederic, “A Revisionist View of the Nanjing Decade: Confucian Fascism,” China Quarterly 150 (June 1997), pp. 395-432.
- 新女性與摩登女性
- Zarrow, Ch. 11, “Ideology and Power in the National Revolution,” pp. 210-229.
- 城鄉斷裂:城市興起與農村破產
- Zarrow, Ch. 5, “Social Conditions in the Countryside,” pp. 95-111; ch. 6, “Urban Social Change,” pp. 112-127.
- 共產主義思潮與政治動員 [Tutorial 2]
- Zarrow, Ch. 14, “Peasants and Communists,” pp. 274-294; Ch. 16, “Mao, Maoism, and the Communist Party,” pp. 324-336.
- Hayford, Charles W. “Into the Tiger’s Den: Political and Economic Reconstruction, 1933-1936.” To the People: James Yen and Village China (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), pp. 164-179.
- 抗日戰爭、民族主義與國共關係的重構
- Zarrow, Ch. 15, “The War of Resistance, 1937–45,” pp. 299-323.
- 國共內戰與「新中國」成立
- Zarrow, Ch. 17, “Revolution and Civil War,” pp. 337-357.
- 「解放」與「翻身」:共產政權的鞏固與社會主義過渡
- Meisner, Ch. 5, “The Dilemmas of Victory,” pp. 55-63; Ch. 6, “The New State,” pp. 64-84.
- 邁向「共產主義天堂」 [Tutorial 3]
- Meisner, Ch. 13, “Economics of the Great Leap Forward,” pp. 217-226; Ch. 14, “The People’s Communes and the “Transition to Communism”, pp. 227-254.
- Huang, Shu-min, The Spiral Road: Change in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader (Boulder: Westview Press, 1989), pp. 3-4, 41-68.
- 不斷革命:「文化大革命」的爆發
- Meisner, Ch. 18, “The Concept of Cultural Revolution,” pp. 309-329; “The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 1966-1969,” pp. 330-366.
12. 想像邊陲:族群關係的重構 [Tutorial 4]
- Lin, Hsiao-ting, Tibet and Nationalist China’s Frontier: Intrigues and Ethnopolitics, 1928-49 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006), pp. 51-104.
- 總結
課堂參與 10%
導修口頭報告及討論 15% (6%+3% x3)
導修短論文 15% (中文: 2000字/ 英文: 1200字)
學期論文初稿 10%(中文: 2000字/ 英文: 1200字)
學期論文口頭報告 5%
學期論文定稿 45% (中文: 8,000- 10,000字/ 英文: 4,000-6,000字)
1.「黨國」的出現:國民黨統治下的國家與社會 [Tutorial 1]
- Zarrow, Ch. 12, “The Northern Expedition and the Rise of Chiang Kai-shek,” pp. 230-247; Ch. 13, “The Nanjing Decade, 1928–37: The Guomindang Era,” pp. 248-270.
- Wakeman, Frederic, “A Revisionist View of the Nanjing Decade: Confucian Fascism,” China Quarterly 150 (June 1997), pp. 395-432.
2.共產主義思潮與政治動員 [Tutorial 2]
- Zarrow, Ch. 14, “Peasants and Communists,” pp. 274-294; Ch. 16, “Mao, Maoism, and the Communist Party,” pp. 324-336.
- Hayford, Charles W. “Into the Tiger’s Den: Political and Economic Reconstruction, 1933-1936.” To the People: James Yen and Village China (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), pp. 164-179.
3.邁向「共產主義天堂」 [Tutorial 3]
- Meisner, Ch. 13, “Economics of the Great Leap Forward,” pp. 217-226; Ch. 14, “The People’s Communes and the “Transition to Communism”, pp. 227-254.
- Huang, Shu-min, The Spiral Road: Change in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader (Boulder: Westview Press, 1989), pp. 3-4, 41-68.
4.想像邊陲:族群關係的重構 [Tutorial 4]
Lin, Hsiao-ting, Tibet and Nationalist China’s Frontier: Intrigues and Ethnopolitics, 1928-49 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006), pp. 51-104.
- Zarrow, Peter. China in War and Revolution, 1895-1949 (Oxon: Routledge, 2005).
- Meisner, Maurice, Mao’s China and After: A History of the People’s Republic (New York: Free Press, 1999).
- 陳永發,《中國共產革命七十年:從革命奪權到告別革命》(台北:聯經出版公司,2001)
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