Simon Shui-Man KWAN


Simon Shui-Man KWAN
BSocSc (HKU); PhD (CUHK)

Telephone: (852) 3943 6709
Personal Homepage

Associate Director (Academic Affairs), DSCCC
Head, Graduate Division of Theology
Programme Director, BD
Research Interests
  1. Practical Theology in Asia
  2. Asia Theology and Postcolonialism
  3. Contextual Theology
  4. Cross-cultural and Interfaith Pastoral Care and Christian Counseling

怎樣的神學教育才算優秀?早於1916年,G. B. Foster已鏗鏘地如此說:"With reference to this whole question, it may be said that usually the candidate for ministry... enters the divinity school as a finished religious and theological product, but that, in consequence of his studies there, he departs unfinished, growing aware that his personality, with its religion and its theology, are alike in the making. A divinity school that achieves such a result has fulfilled its function in the life of the human spirit."

  1. Seeking a Contextual Understanding of Interfaith Encounter in Christian Pastoral Care Settings in a Non-Western and Non-Christian Postsecular Society (GRF project; since 2020)
  2. Provision of Service of Revising Learning Resource on Normative Ethics (Knowledge transferred projected funded by Education Bureau, HKSAR Govt; completed in 2017)

  3. Protestant Death Rituals, Continuing Bonds between the Living and the Dead, and Bereavement Care (GRF project; completed in 2016)

  4. Postcoloniality, Resistance, and the History of Asian Theology in the 1970s-Reclaiming the Resistance of Theological Indigenization (Completed in 2016)

  5. Investigating the Postcolonial Resistance in Asian Theologies - Two Indigenous Chinese Christian Thinkers as Case Studies (Direct Grants project; completed in 2013)

  6. Toward a Revision of Hope-based Christian Counseling Approaches with a Mutually Critical Correlational Analysis (GRF project; completed in 2011)

  7. Turning Point—A Qualitative Study of Motivation of Change in Hong Kong Chinese Chronic Pain Patients (Co-Investigator)

  1. Kwan, Simon Shui-Man. "Decolonizing ‘Protestant’ Death Rituals for the Chinese Bereaved—Negotiating a Resistance That Is Contextually Relevant." International Journal of Practical Theology (in press).
  2. ———. "Practical Theologies in Chinese Speaking Societies—a Cross-Cultural Consideration." International Journal of Practical Theology 24, no. 2 (2020): 1-24.
  3. ———. "Wrestling with God in Context—Revisiting the Theology and Social Vision of Shoki Coe (Review)." International Journal of Asian Christianity 3 (2020): 245-46.
  4. ———. "Asian Theologies." "Colonial Church: An Asian Case Study." "Contextual Theology." "Postcolonial Theology and Mission." In Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, edited by Mark A. Lamport. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
  5. ———. "Negotiating the Meaning of Spirituality in Holistic Health Care from a Chinese Perspective." Practical Theology 11, no. 1 (2018): 17-28.
  6. ———. Negotiating a Presence-Centred Christian Counselling: Towards a Theologically Informed and Culturally Sensitive Approach. Newcastle: CSP, 2016.
  7. ———. "Interrogating the Telos of Creation—Re-Reading Genesis 1 in Light of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong." In Doing Theology with Local Wisdom and People Spirituality: Asian Contribution to Theology of Creation and Wider Ecumenism, edited by Programme For Theology and Culture in Asia, 48-80. Tainan, Taiwan: PTCA, 2016.
  8. ———. QUEST—Studies on Religion & Culture in Asia Vols. 1-5 (Journal editor since 2016)
  9. ———. “The Construct of ‘Hope’ in Spiritual Care—An Empirical Exploration of Its Contextualization [In Chinese].” Hill Road [山道期刊] 34 (2014): 107-126.
  10. ———. Postcolonial Resistance and Asian Theology. London; New York: Routledge, 2014.