3 學分
Richard Bauckham. Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker 2015. ISBN 978-0-8010-9612-9
Raymond Brown. An Introduction to the Gospel of John. Ed. By Francis Moloney. NewYork: Doubleday, 2003. ISBN 0-385-50722-4
Michael Gorman. Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017. ISBN 978-1-60608-560-8
Robert Kysar. John the Maverick Gospel, 3rd ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2007. ISBN 0-664-23056-3
Other Readings
Weekly required readings are listed in the syllabus and the a select bibliography is provided for further research as follows:
A Select Bibliography for the Johannine Literature (-2020)
The Gospel of John: Critical Commentaries
* Christian Classics on Internet:;
1970 Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel according to John. 2 vols. AB. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1966, 1970.
1971 Bultmann, Rudolf. The Gospel of John: A Commentary. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1971.
1978 Barrett, C. K. The Gospel According to St. John. 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Westminster, 1978.
1998 Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of John. Collegeville: Liturgical, 1998.
2012 Bruner, Frederick. The Gospel of John: A Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.
2017 Beutler, Johannes. A Commentary on The Gospel of John. (tr. Michael Tait). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.
Major Studies
1953 Dodd, C. H. The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953.
1979 Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple: The Life, Loves, and Hates of an Individual Church in New Testament Times. New York: Paulist, 1979.
1979 Martyn, J. Louis. History & Theology in the Fourth Gospel. rev. enl. ed., Nashville: Abingdon, 1979.
1983 Culpepper, R. Alan. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.
1986 Ashton, John, ed. The Interpretation of John. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.
1987 Burge, Gary M. The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Tradition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.
1988 Rensberger, David. Johannine Faith and Liberating Community. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1988.
1992 Stibbe, M. W. G. John as Storyteller: Narrative Criticism and the Fourth Gospel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
1993 Petersen, Norman R. The Gospel of John and the Sociology of Light. Valley Forge: Trinity, 1993.
1995 Koester, Craig R. Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel: Meaning, Mystery, Community. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995.
1996 Ball, David M. “I Am” in John’s Gospel: Literary Function, Background and Theological Implications. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Pr., 1996.
1996 Segovia, Fernando F. (ed.) “What is John?” Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel. Atlanta: Scholars, 1996.
1998 Westermann, Claus. The Gospel of John in the Light of the Old Testament (tr. S. Schatzmann). Peabody: Hendrickson, 1998.
1999 Schneiders, Sandra M. Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. New York: Crossroad, 1999.
2001 Reinhartz, Adele. Befriending the Beloved Disciple: A Jewish Reading of the Gospel of John. New York: Continuum, 2001.
2001 Thompson, Marianne. The God of the Gospel of John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001.
2002 Dube, Musa W. and Jeffrey L. Staley. John and Postcolonialism: Travel, Space and Power. London and New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
2002 Kealy, Seán P. John’s Gospel and the History of Biblical Interpretation. 2 vols. Lewiston: Mellen, 2002.
2003 Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the Gospel of John (ed. Francis J. Moloney). New York: Doubleday, 2003.
2003 Levine, Amy-Jill. A Feminist Companion to John, 2 vols. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003.
2005 Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of John: Text and Context. Leiden: Brill, 2005.
2006 Keefer, Kyle. The Branches of the Gospel of John: The Reception of the Fourth Gospel in the Early Church. London: T & T Clark, 2006.
2007 Bauckham, Richard. The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007.
2007 Bauckham, Richard ed. The Gospel of John and Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007.
2007 Kysar, Robert. John the Maverick Gospel, 3rd ed. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 2007.
2007 Richey, Lance. Roman Imperial Ideology and the Gospel of John. Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2007.
2007 Thatcher, Tom, ed. What We Have Heard from the Beginning: The Past, Present, and Future of Johannine Studies. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2007.
2007 Gench, Frances. Encounters with Jesus: Studies in the Gospel of John. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2007.
2009 O’Grady, John F. Preaching the Gospel of John. New York: Paulist, 2009.
2013 Hunt, Steven, Tolmie, D. Francois & Zimmermann, Ruben, eds. Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013.
2015 Bauckham, Richard. Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2015.
2017 Culpepper, R. Alan and Anderson, Paul eds. John and Judaism: A Contested Relationship in Context. Atlanta: SBL, 2017.
2017 Brown, Sherri and Skinner, Christopher, ed. Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistle of John. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.
2018 Porter, Stanley and Fay, Ron eds. Gospel of John in Modern Interpretation. Kregel, 2018.
2018 Lieu, Judith and de Boer, Martinus eds. Oxford Handbook of Johannine Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
2018 Koester, Craig ed. Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John. New York: T & T Clark, 2018.
2018 Frey, Jorg. Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel: Tradition and Narration. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2018.
2018 Frey, Jorg. The Glory of the Crucified One: Christology and Theology of the Gospel of John. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
The Johannine Epistles: Critical Commentaries
1982 Brown, R. E. The Epistles of John. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982.
2008 Lieu, Judith. I, II, & III John: A Commentary. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.
2010 Von Wahlde, Urban C. The Gospel and Letters of John, Vol. 3: Commentary on the Three Johannine Letters. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Major Studies
1983 Malherbe, Abraham J. Aspects of Early Christianity. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.
1991 Lieu, Judith. The Theology of the Johannine Epistles. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1991.
2017 彭國偉主編,《研讀本(新標點和合本)系列 – 約翰一二三書》(台灣聖經公會,2017)。
The Book of Revelation: Critical Commentaries
1991 Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth. Revelation: Vision of A Just World. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.
1993 Bauckham, Richard. The Theology of the Book of Revelation. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1993.
1994 Court, John M. Revelation. Sheffield: JSOT, 1994.
1996 Richard, Pablo. Apocalypse: A People’s Commentary on the Book of Revelation. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1996.
1997 Aune, David. Revelation. 3 vols. Dallas: Word Book, 1997-98.
1999 Beale, Gregory. The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.
2000 Malina, Bruce J. and John J. Pilch. Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Revelation. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2000.
2003 Witherington III, Ben. Revelation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003
2004 Kovac, Judith and Christopher Rowland. Revelation: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004.
Major Studies
1987 Boesak, Allan A. Comfort and Protest: The Apocalypse from a South African Perspective. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987.
1990 Thompson, Leonard. The Book of Revelation: Apocalypse and Empire. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
1991 Peterson, Eugene. Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.
1993 Bauckham, Richard. The Climax of Prophecy: Studies on the Theology of Revelation. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1993.
1995 Moyise, Steve. The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1995.
1999 González, Justo L. For the Healing of the Nations: The Book of Revelation in an Age of Cultural Conflict. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1999.
2005 Blount, Brian K. Can I Get a Witness? Reading Revelation through African American Culture. Louisville: WJK, 2005.
2011 Labahn, Michael and Lehtipuu, Outi, eds. Imagery in the Book of Revelation. Leuven: Peeters, 2011.
2012 Pagels, Elaine. Revelations, Visions, Prophecy & Politics in the Book of Revelation. New York: Penguin Books, 2012.
2012 Hays, Richard and Stefan Alkier, eds. Revelation and the Politics of Apocalyptic Interpretation. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2012.
2013 Chilton, Bruce. Visions of the Apocalypse: Receptions of John’s Revelation in Western Imagination. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2013.
2014 Stevens, Gerald. Revelation: The Past and Future of John’s Apocalypse. Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.
2017 Gorman, Michael. Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017.
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