Wonderful World of Microbes
Escherichia coli
Fluorescently labeled E. coli flagellar filaments.
Taken by: Wenlong Zuo.
E. coli swarming colony with chiral branches.
Colony branches curve in a clockwise direction as a result of unidirectional fluid flows at colony edge. See: Wu et al., PNAS 108(10): 4147-51.
An E. coli colony reminiscent of solar eclipse.
Taken by: Haoran Xu.
Bacillus subtilis
B. subtilis biofilm
Taken by: Wenlong Zuo
Close look of a B. subtilis colony
Taken by: Wenlong Zuo
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
P. aeruginosa (PA14) swarm with branches (or tendrils)
Taken by: Ye Li