香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

HIST2002B Historiography (Advanced)

2020-2021年度 第二學期

時間Thu 10:30am - 12:15pm

地點LSK 304


課程講師 馬思途 ((852) 3943 7858 /

助教 胡偉文 (


What is history and how should we practice it?  This course looks at the ways scholars have theorized and practiced history from antiquity to the present.  Here, the focus will be on the most influential approaches to history writing (in the West and the world at large), including: Marxism, gender and sexuality, social history, cultural history, race and ethnicity and digital history.  An important focus of the course will be on developing the ability to synthesize and apply complex approaches, both orally and in writing. 


Week 1 (Jan 14): Introduction: Historical knowledge and the historian’s craftHow to read/skim a book workshop [I will bring some random books to practice on]. 

Prologues to Livy, Thucydides, Herodotus [in pdf on Blackboard].

Collingwood, R.G., “Who killed John Doe? The problem of testimony” from The Idea of History, in Winks, R.W., ed., The Historian as Detective (New York: Harper & Row, 1968), pp.39-60.



Week 2 (Jan 21): Marx, Weber and other theorists and historical research

Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party. (14-27)

Wang, Q. Edward. “Between Marxism and Nationalism: Chinese Historiography and the Soviet Influence, 1949-1963.” Journal of Contemporary China 9, no. 23 (2000): 95-111.

Yale lecture on Weber



Week 3 (Jan 28): Examples of historical research: from political/institutional history to social history

Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (reserve in UB)

WEB DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk, Forethought & sections I-II



Week 4 (Feb 4): Cultural history and historical research

Skim: P Burke, What Is Cultural History? [Online via Blackboard]

Grafton, Anthony. “The Footnote from De Thou to Ranke.” History and Theory, vol. 33, no. 4, 1994, pp. 53–76. [via library catalog]

Skim: Grafton, Anthony. “The History of Ideas: Precept and Practice, 1950-2000 and Beyond.” Journal of the History of Ideas 67.1 (2006): 1-32 [via library catalog]



Tutorial 1 (Marx, Weber, social history cultural history) – TBC

All students must bring one very short extract from historical sources (c. 250 words, or image, object) of their choosing to class and discuss how they might apply one of the methodologies studied to them.  In advance of the tutorial students should submit the source to the TA and a 1-page outline of how one of the methodologies might be applied to it.  This will aid the subsequent discussion. 



Week 5 (Feb 11):  No class – Lunar New Year!





Week 6 (Feb 18): Historical geography and historical research

Adelman, “Is global history still possible..?”

Skim: Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms [Online via Blackboard]

Skim: Timothy Brook, Vermeer’s Hat [Book review only via catalog; no digital copy currently available]



Tutorial 2 (Geography) – TBC

All students must bring one very short extract from historical sources (c. 250 words, or image, object) of their choosing to class and discuss how they might apply one of the methodologies studied to them.  In advance of the tutorial students should submit the source to the TA and a 1-page outline of how one of the methodologies might be applied to it.  This will aid the subsequent discussion. 



Week 7 (Feb 25): Gender, Sexuality and Intersectionality

Scott, J.W., “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” in J.W. Scott, ed., Feminism and History [online on Blackboard]

Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics“. University of Chicago Legal Forum. 1989: 139–168.


Tutorial 3 (gender & sexuality) – TBC

All students must bring one very short extract from historical sources (c. 250 words, or image, object) of their choosing to class and discuss how they might apply one of the methodologies studied to them.  In advance of the tutorial students should submit the source to the TA and a 1-page outline of how one of the methodologies might be applied to it.  This will aid the subsequent discussion. 



Week 8 (Mar 4): Economic history and historical research

Douglas North, “Economic Performance Through Time,” Nobel Prize Lecture (1993). 

Haskell, Thomas L. (October 2, 1975). “The True & Tragical History of ‘Time on the Cross“. The New York Review of Books

Skim: Braudel, F., trans. Ranum, P.M., Afterthoughts on Material Civilization and Capitalism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977). [read book review via online catalog]



Tutorial 4 (economic history) – TBC

All students must bring one very short extract from historical sources (c. 250 words, or image, object) of their choosing to class and discuss how they might apply one of the methodologies studied to them.  In advance of the tutorial students should submit the source to the TA and a 1-page outline of how one of the methodologies might be applied to it.  This will aid the subsequent discussion. 



Week 9 (Mar 11): Legal History




*Digital History Component*


Week 10 (Mar 18): Basics of historical research (i): identifying errors in source materials and the challenges of digital history

“Concepts and Readings,” 1A-1B, (just read, do not do exercises)

Introduction to Statistics,

CS50 Lecture 0 (put on CC for transcript), do the Scratch tutorial.  Save and email game to professor.    




Week 11 (Mar 25): Basics of historical research (ii): data, examining archives and conducting field work

Read: 2B-5A, (just read, do not do exercises)

Download Transatlantic Slave Trade Database EXCEL sheets (.csv files): transatlantic data.  Here is the manual for understanding it all [questions: what is the data; how was it created; what are the potential problems with it; how is it presented?]

Do Tableau tutorial: (this might also be helpful:

Create some Tableau visualizations answering a hypothetical research question about Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database using the EXCEL sheets, and bring them to class (USB or email to TA and we can discuss them). 

If we are meeting in person and you have a laptop, please bring it to class. 


For the final projects, students might also be interested in: Scottish Witchcraft Trials ; Civil Unrest Events ; US government data, Historical laws of Hong Kong, etc. 



Week 12 (Apr 1): Reading week!



Week 13 (Apr 8): Basics of historical research (iii): analyzing and inferring from historical documents and other sources

Read 5B-8A, (just read, do not do exercises)

Do Text Analysis tutorial ;

Apply one of these techniques to a text of your choice and come prepare to discuss it.


Do ArcGIS mapping: set up a free account at

Do these tutorials: ; ;

Please make one map (it can be very simple and come prepare to discuss it). 



Google My Maps Tutorial


Set up a Google account and make one map of relevance to history (it can be very simple and come prepare to discuss it). 


If we are meeting in person and you have a laptop, please bring it to class. 




Week 14 (Apr 15): Displaying historical research and public history: cases of historical research.

Read 2A, 8B-10B, (just read, do not do exercises)



Glassberg, David. “Public History and the Study of Memory.” The Public Historian 18.2 (1996): 7-23.

Either visit the Hong Kong Museum of History (“The Hong Kong Story” wing), if you have not already, or Slavery and Global Public History.

If we are meeting in person and you have a laptop, please bring it to class. 


Final Projects due April 22 at 9pm. 



Week 15 (Apr 22):  Presentations and Discussions of Digital Projects. 

You will each give a 5 minute (maximum!) presentation of your project.  This is very informal and you can show a few PP slides with the graphs etc. using share-screen.  We will then have a final discussion. 

Course Evaluation at 12noon.


20% Attendance and Active Participation in class.  Active participation entails making at least one and preferably twocomments/asking questions per class


30% 6*1-page Response Papers (=300 words) on readings from weeks 2-8 that answer the question: “What is the key point of this week’s reading?” (each worth 5%).  Due via email to the Professor 1-hour (60mins!) before the lecture.  You may submit more, but only the best 6 grades will count. 


25% Digital Essay.  Produce one data-driven inquiry and present it in weeks 15 (5 mins).  It should be at least 5 pages in pdf of text, images, screen shot, etc.  Topics to be covered will include, e.g. discussion of research problem, data, methodology, conclusions, problems encountered, areas for future research).    Some examples are here and here.


25% Tutorial Case-Study Exercises (5% for pre-submitted sources and 1-page discussions of how methodology might be applied to it (due 1hr before tutorial via email to TA); 20% for participation in discussions).   


The Tutorials will be focused on applying the historiographical techniques learned in the lectures. 

All students must bring one very short extract from historical sources (c. 250 words, or image, object) of their choosing to class and discuss how they might apply one of the methodologies studied to them.  In advance of the tutorial students should submit the source to the TA and a 1-page outline of how one of the methodologies might be applied to it.  This will aid the subsequent discussion. 



















Elton, G. R., The Practice of History

Carr, E.H., What is History?

Barzun, J. & H.F. Graff, The Modern Researcher

Bloch, M., The Historian’s Craft

Burke, P., ed., New Perspectives on Historical Writing

Barraclough, G. Main, Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences: History

Himmelfarb, Gertrude, The New history and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraisals

Berger, S., et al., eds., Writing History: Theory and Practice

Clark, Stuart, ed., The Annales School: Critical Assessments, Vol. 1.

Mahoney, J. & D. Rueschemeyer, eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences

Kelley, R., Public History: Its Origins, Nature, and Prospects? The Public Historian, 1:1 (1978)

Thompson, P., The Voice of the Past: Oral History

Jorgensen, D.L., Participant Observation

Hunt, L., ed., The New Cultural History

Scott, J.W., “Introduction,” “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” in J.W. Scott, ed., Feminismand History

Iggers, G.G., Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge

Introduction to Digital Humanities,




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