The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Message from Department Chairman

It is my pleasure to extend my warmest greetings and welcome to all of you, especially our freshmen who join the big family of the Department of History.

The Department of History encourages its undergraduate students to look at and to explore historical issues in board and holistic views. I always share Sima Qian’s and Liu Zhiji’s ideas with history students, and wish them to build a solid foundation on historical knowledge, and to keep a clean heart and calm mind in face of adversity, particularly in a chaotic situation. Sima Qian said, “Examining the changes taken place from ancient to present times, one can form his personal opinion.” Being sensitive to historical thinking and alert to the past experience from predecessors, history students are expected to be knowledgeable and wise enough to analyse the crux of political and social disputes.

This year our Department offers about 80 historical study courses on a variety of chronological and topographical areas, of which most of them are problematic designed, targeting at critical thinking, global and comparative approaches. Our history program will benefit the professional training of undergraduate students in employment prospects, particularly in education and cultural management sectors. We pride ourselves to provide a disciplined but caring atmosphere for students to pursue their goals.

I am glad to welcome two sophisticated professors who join our Department this year. Professor Rowena Xiaoqing HE (何曉清) received her PhD from the University of Toronto. Professor HE focuses her research on modern and contemporary Chinese history, society and politics. She has a variety of research interests, such as nexus of history, memory, power, political socialisation, youth values, social change and their implications for citizenship, etc. She teaches courses on “Topic Studies in Modern Chinese History: Ordinary Voices, Extraordinary Stories: History and Memory in Documentaries and Biographies (1949-Present)”, “Topic Studies in Cultural History: The Post-Mao Era: Society, Culture, and Politics (1976-Present) 文化史專題研究:毛時代後的中國:社會、文化與政治 (1976–今)” and “Special Topics in Chinese History: From Revolution to Reform in China, 1949-1976”.

Professor Wicky Wai Kit TSE (謝偉傑) received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor TSE focuses his research on early imperial China, roughly referring to the period between the late third century BC and the sixth century AD. He also demonstrates diversified research interests, such as violence, war and warfare, regional cultures interaction with the process of militarisation of society, etc. He teaches courses on “Topic Studies in Chinese History: Everyday Life in Ancient China (From the Third Century BC to the Sixth Century AD) 中國史專題研究:中國古代生活史 (公元前三世紀至公元六世紀)”, “Historiography (Advanced) 史學(進階)” and “Topic Studies in Chinese History: Warfare and Society (from Early China to the Sixth Century AD) 中國史專題研究:戰爭與社會(早期中國至公元六世紀)”.

Last but not least, I sincerely wish you understand the mission and vision of being a history student, not just within the normative study period but for your lifetime.

Professor LAI Ming Chiu
Chairman, Department of History


Welcome back!

Hope you all had a wonderful summer and wish you a successful academic year ahead!

Our warmest welcome to our new teaching member and all new students of the Department of History!


Congratulations to Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu for securing a grant from the RGC General Research Fund 2019-20 for his research on Re-thinking the Song Yuan xue’an: The Formation of the “Cheng School” as a Disciplinary Matrix and its Development in the Early Twelfth Century. [Details]


Congratulations to Prof. POON Shuk Wah for securing a grant from the RGC General Research Fund 2019-20 for her research on Colonizers and the Beasts: The Place of Animals in British Colonial Governance in Hong Kong, 1842-1941. [Details …]


Congratulations to Prof. PUK Wing Kin for securing a grant from the RGC General Research Fund 2019-20 for his research on The “Rebirth” of Woman Yang: Law and Society in 18th-Century China. [Details …]


Congratulations to Prof. Stuart MCMANUS for securing a grant from the RGC Early Career Scheme 2019-20 for his research on Slavery and Freedom in the Early Modern World. [Details …]


Congratulations to Prof. James MORTON for securing a grant from the RGC Early Career Scheme 2019-20 for his research on Law and Orthodoxy: Byzantine Legal Reform and Greek Religious Identity in the Crusading Era (c.1000-1260). [Details …]


Congratulations to our PhD Year 3 student, Ms. MA Xiaofei on receiving an award under the Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence for 2019-20 from CUHK! This award will support Ms. MA to undertake a three-month research attachment at the University of California, Berkley, to enrich her research experience and international exposure. Congratulations and wishing her a fruitful and enjoyable research trip to California!


Students who wish to change their 2019-20 First Term course enrolments are reminded to do so via the CUSIS during the following specified add/drop periods:

Undergraduate programme: Between 8:30pm on 9 September 2019 and 8:30pm on 15 September 2019

Postgraduate programmes: Between 10am on 2 September 2019 and 5:30pm on 16 September 2019


Always dedicated to enhance learning and academic ethos of history students, the 19th Society of History Department, Histopia, will hold a book fair from 9 to 13 September 2019, between 10am and 6pm, at the University Cultural Square. All CUHK staff and students are cordially welcomed.

For enquiry, please email to

The 19th Society of History Department, CUSU
The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Congratulation to Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang for being awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, as well as reappointed as Research Professor, with effect from 1 August 2019.


Prof. HO Pui Yin succeeded Prof. POO Mu-chou as Graduate Division Head with effect from 1 August 2019. The Department would like to extend its appreciation to Prof. POO for his contributions to the Graduate Division.


Prof. POO Mu-chou succeeded Prof. CHOI Chi Cheung as Vice Chairman (Research) with effect from 1 August 2019. The Department would like to extend its appreciation to Prof. CHOI for his contributions in academic research to the Department.


We extend our welcome to Prof. HE Xiaoqing Rowena and Prof. TSE Wai Kit Wicky, who joined the Department of History as Associate Professors on 1 August 2019.

Prof. HE Xiaoqing Rowena, gained her BA degree from the South China Normal University and received her MA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto. Before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong, she was an Assistant Professor at Saint Michael’s College and a Research Associate at Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. Prof. HE will teach HIST4180RH Topic Studies in Modern Chinese History: Ordinary Voices, Extraordinary Stories: History and Memory in Documentaries and Biographies (1949 to Present) in Term 1; and HIST4910RH Topic Studies in Cultural History: The Post-Mao Era: Society, Culture, and Politics (1976-Present) and HIST 5508C Special Topics in Chinese History: From Revolution to Reform in China, 1949-1976 in Term 2.

Prof. TSE Wai Kit Wicky, gained his Bachelor’s and MPhil degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD degree in East Asian Languages and Civilisations from the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong, he was an Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. TSE will teach HIST 4100WT Topic Studies in Chinese History: Everyday Life in Ancient China (From the third century BC to the sixth century AD) in Term 1; HIST 2002A Historiography (Advanced); and HIST 4100WT Topic Studies in Chinese History: Warfare and Society (From Early China to the sixth century AD) in Term 2.


Dr. CHEN Wenyan has been appointed as Postdoctoral Fellow with effect from 17 June 2019. Dr. CHEN gained her Bachelor’s and MPhil degrees from the Sun Yat-sen University. She received her PhD degree in History from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. CHEN teaches HIST 5502 Special Topics in Morden Chinese History: 城市空間的塑造及內涵 in Term 1.


Prof. HSIUNG Ping-chen and Prof. TANG Chung retired at the end of June 2019 and July 2019, respectively. The Department would like to extend its appreciation to Prof. HSIUNG and Prof. TANG for their contributions to the Department.

Prof. HSIUNG is now appointed as Adjunct Professor (Honorary) and Prof. TANG is as Adjunct Professor of the Department.


Prof. Stuart MCMANUS is on leave from 1 September 2019 to 31 December 2019.


Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Talk “行走在宋代的香港:香港宋代古蹟概述” conducted by Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu on 3 May 2019

Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu hosted a talk entitled “Walking through Historical Hong Kong: Understanding Hong Kong’s Built Monuments in Song’s Dynasty” (行走在宋代的香港:香港宋代古蹟概述) at King Ling College on 3 May 2019. More than 120 students from Secondary 3 to 6 and teachers attended the talk. Prof. CHEUNG introduced the historical development of several local monuments built in the Song Dynasty with the participants interactively. He also imparted to the students basic knowledge and the importance of conducting textual research on historical data.


Recapping the Academic Talk “Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage: History of Dragon Boat Races in Hong Kong” conducted by Dr. MA Muk Chi on 25 May 2019

Dr. MA Muk Chi delivered a talk entitled “Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage: History of Dragon Boat Races in Hong Kong” at Sha Tin Public Library on 25 May 2019. The talk was organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries. During the talk, Dr. MA demonstrated how the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional local custom, developed into “intangible cultural heritage” under the support of the Hong Kong government.


Recapping the “Teaching Enhancement Workshop” on 29 May 2019

Prof. LAI Ming Chiu, Chairman; Prof. HO Pui Yin, Vice Chair; and Prof. POO Mu-chou, Division Head, held a Teaching Enhancement Workshop on 29 May 2019, which was attended by 31 MPhil and PhD students. Both the teachers and students treasured the opportunity to discuss issues on teaching and learning and share their valuable experience as teaching assistants in the Department of History.


Recapping the Academic Seminar “Reconstructing Some Multi-Board Eastern Han Documents from the Wuyi Guangchang Hoard” conducted by Prof. Robin YATES on 29 May 2019

Prof. Robin YATES from the Department of History and Classical Studies, McGill University, was invited by the Department to deliver a lecture entitled “Reconstructing Some Multi-Board Eastern Han Documents from the Wuyi Guangchang Hoard” on 29 May 2019.

Prof. YATES firstly introduced the relevant information about Wuyi Guangchang boards and slips. In the district known as Wuyi guangchang (May 1st Square), at the center of Changsha of the Hunan Province, a well of mid-Eastern Han Dynasty filled with approximately 7,000 wooden and bamboo documents from the archives of the Linxiang government was found in 2010. Many of these documents appeared to have originally been stored in boxes, to which wooden labels or tags, inscribed with the contents, had been attached. These boards and slips vividly portrayed how the local bureaucratic system operated in the Eastern Han period.

Prof. YATES mainly focused on the legal documents, which were of great numbers, and examined some cases including those of murders, suicides, thefts and disputes about the local trade markets, as well as of official corruption, that were brought to the attention of the authorities. He pointed out that the documents, although incomplete and badly damaged, provided remarkable insights into the daily life of the Eastern Han people living in Changsha area, such as the family structure of the ordinary people, the pricing of different commodities in markets and even the social status of women, which were seldom mentioned in other legal documents. Besides, these documents also illustrated the ways in which such matters were handled by the judicial system, showing the actual legal process of investigations and trial of cases. Finally, Prof. YATES reconstructed two edicts that were promulgated by Emperor An as examples to analyse how the government responded to natural disasters and indicate the effectiveness of the local government in the implementation of the edicts transmitted from the central court.


Recapping the “History Department Retreat 2019” held on 31 May 2019

The History Department Retreat 2019 was held at CUHK on 31 May 2019. The Department’s teaching staff discussed and shared their views on the Department’s development strategies.


Recapping the “Workshops on Comparative British and Chinese History” on 6 June & 8 June 2019

Funded by the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of York and the Renmin University of China joined hands to organise the “Workshops on Comparative British and Chinese History” on 6 June and 8 June 2019 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The workshops were structured in three interactive sessions and hosted by Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu of CUHK, Dr. John COOPER of University of York, and Dr. TU Hsuan-ying of Renmin University of China, respectively.

The workshops attempted to provide historians and researchers a chance to share findings on the cutting-edge theme of two critical periods, Tudor England and Song China periods in European and Chinese history from a comparative perspective. The workshops were satisfactorily concluded.


Recapping the Academic Talk “The Historical Monuments and Heritage Conservation in Sai Kung” conducted by Prof. HO Pui Yin on 28 June 2019

Prof. HO Pui Yin delivered an academic talk entitled “The Historical Monuments and Heritage Conservation in Sai Kung” at the Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School on 28 June 2019. In her talk, Prof. HO illustrated and explained the history and conservation status of the historical monuments and heritage sites in Sai Kung. The talk was attended by more than 150 secondary students and teachers.


Recapping the “Academic Counselling for New Students of the Undergraduate Programme” conducted on 9 August 2019

To enable new students to gain a better understanding of the Undergraduate Programme offered by the Department of History, the Department organised an academic counselling session on 9 August 2019, which was attended by 60 new students.

Teaching members of the Department provided information on programme features, study schemes and course selection requirements. The Department’s senior undergraduate students were also invited to share their fruitful university life. Participants were keen to take the opportunity to meet and exchange views with the Department’s teaching staff.


Recapping the Orientation Workshop for Research Postgraduate Students 2019-20 conducted on 9 August 2019

The Orientation Workshop for Research Postgraduate Students was conducted on 9 August 2019. The workshop was hosted by Prof. HO Pui Yin, Division Head. It provided an overview of the Department and programme features to postgraduate students. Miss Emily CHEUNG, Assistant Lecturer, then gave a briefing on the role of teaching assistants in the Department.


Recapping the “Kyoto University-CUHK History Student Cultural Exchange Seminar” held on 9 August 2019

With the welcome speech delivered by Prof. LAI Ming Chiu, Chairman of History Department, the “Kyoto University-CUHK History Student Cultural Exchange Seminar” was held at G24 of Fung King Hey Building. Eleven undergraduate students from Kyoto University visited the Department, participated in the seminar and gave presentations on three topics “Japanese Music Culture”, “Landscape Policy of Kyoto City” and “Our Lifestyle”. Twenty-one undergraduate students of the Department and one undergraduate student of the English Department took part in the seminar. Presentations were also made by three undergraduate students of the Department on the following three topics: “The Development of Hong Kong’s Education, 1841 to 1865: From Church Dominance to Government Intervention”, “The Development of Hong Kong Football Case Studies: South China” and “The Image Change of Drinks in Hong Kong — A Case Study of Vitasoy (1940-2000)”. Students from both universities greatly enjoyed the presentations and discussions at the seminar and the fellowship dinner.

Report by Dr. SIU Kam Wah


Upcoming Events

13 September 2019 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Date : 13 September 2019 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue : Room 302, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 簡牘史料的詮釋:長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘為中心
Speaker : Prof. LAI Ming Chiu
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


20 September 2019 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Who is Telling the Story: Reading Chinese Communal Festivals in Singapore
Date : 20 September 2019 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue : Room 302, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : Who is Telling the Story: Reading Chinese Communal Festivals in Singapore
Speaker : Prof. CHOI Chi Cheung
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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