College Publications Committee

College Publications Committee


Professor Anthony Y H FUNG

Ex-Officio Members

Professor Jimmy C M YU(Head)

Professor Alaster H Y LAU(Dean of Students)

Professor LEE Hung-kay(Dean of General Education)

Mr Tony M H CHAN(College Secretary)


Ms Shirley T S LAM

Professor Kaman K M LEE

Dr LEUNG Tak-wah

Professor Barley S Y MAK

Professor TANG Sze-wing

Professor WONG Kuan-Io

Student Representative

Ms LIU Yuen-kwan


Ms Amy M Y LUK

Terms of Reference

1. To plan and coordinate the editing and publishing of the United Bulletin, United News, College Handbook and other College publications.

2. To deal with matters concerning the copyright of all publications of the College.

3. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows and Cabinet.