College Fellow - Prof. WONG Suk Ying
Professor WONG Suk-Ying (王淑英) is the Warden and a Fellow of CW Chu College. She received her undergraduate training at the University of Liverpool and obtained her PhD from Stanford University. She began her teaching career as a visiting lecturer at Beijing Normal University and Nankai University in China when she was a doctoral candidate at Stanford University. Then, she taught in several higher-education institutions in the United States and Japan before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997. Currently, Professor Wong is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. Professor Wong was a recipient of the US National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship Award and the Distinguished Research Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Her primary interests involve the sociology of education, comparative-historical sociology and organizations, and much of her research and writing are related to the role of education in the construction of modern nationalism and identity formation. Her teaching includes courses on the sociology of education, classical theory, sociology and modern society, Chinese society and Japan in a global perspective. She was also the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award (2005), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. More information can be found on the departmental webpage. |