The Hostel Residence Grant Scheme provides financial support to needy students to enable them to have a residential College life for advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus. This Scheme is supported by various donors.
Students being provided a hostel place (including hostels of College, I-house and hostels of the teaching hospital) on the University campus are eligible to apply.
The Grant Scheme provides financial support to needy students who have not been assigned a hostel place on campus, to rent a place off-campus closer to the University compared with the family. It aims at facilitating the students to participate in College activities and striving excellence in study.
Criteria and amount of the Grant are as follows:
* The maximum grant for 2020-2021 is HK$5,440 (HK$544 x 10 months, starting from September of each academic year.)
* Area of rented flats includes Shatin, Ma On Shan, Tai Po and North District
Application Period: All Year Round
This grant was introduced in 2010, to support students with special needs, in particular for those with health problems.
Government Grants and Loans
Students with financial difficulties can apply for Government grants and loans from the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes through the College and the University. Current students are usually invited to apply in April/May, whereas Year-one students may apply in September.
University Bursaries and Loans
A number of bursary and loan schemes are also administered by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid of the University to assist students with financial difficulties in completing their studies. Applications normally open at the beginning of each academic year but may also be considered at any time if the cases so justify. For enquiries please approach the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at 3943 7205.
United College Interest-free Student Loan Schemes
(I) Emergency Loan Funds
The College operates two interest-free emergency loan funds for needy students:
(a) Student Emergency Loan Fund
(b) Wong Fung Ling Student Loan Fund
Students requiring assistance because of special family difficulties or to join an exchange programme, etc. may approach the Dean of Students’ Office for assistance.
(II) College Loan for Final-year Students
From January 2009, final-year students committing for further studies immediately after graduation are eligible also to apply for College loans.
(III) Travel Loan for GOAL Programme
The Scheme, established in 2007, is supported by the College Endowment Fund and offers interest-free loans to students, to encourage them to have overseas experiences.