Professor, BA, CertEd (HKU), MA (CUHK), Dr.Phil. (Universität Heidelberg)
As my major research interest lies in higher psychological processes, I was attracted to the cultural-historical approach of Russian psychology early on. Later, I learnt that Wundt’s Völkerpsychologie could also be considered as a variant of cultural-historical psychology. My main focus of recent and ongoing research lies in genealogical studies of fundamental psychological concepts using a refined methodological approach. Alongside the highway of the cultural-historical approach, which is evidently a macro-approach, a byway of my research endeavours in recent years has been the microdevelopmental/microgenetic studies along the implicit-explicit dimension. Investigation into young children’s understanding of the concept of justice is a case in point. In achieving a micro-macro link, I have also conducted a microdevelopmental study from a cultural-historical perspective on the theme of the dialogical self. Creativity, an important aspect of higher psychological processes, constitutes a further byway of my research activities.