



BSoc. (CUHK), Ph.D (HKU), RSW, FT (Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement), Diplomate of Logotherapy (Clinican) 3943 1518






  • 死亡、臨終及喪親
  • 醫療保健社會工作
  • 老年學
  • 意義治療(Logotherapy)
  • 意義為本研究及介入
  • 實務為本研究
  • 臨床數據挖掘



  • Chan, W. C. H., Leung, M. M. M., Lin, M. K. Y., Wong, K. L. Y., Lam, B. C. L. (2015) Views of Medical and Nursing Professionals on Palliative Care for Paediatrics and Adolescents in Hong Kong. Funded by Children's Cancer Foundation
  • Chan, W. C. H., Tin, A. F., Wong, K. L. Y. (2015). Coping with Existential and Emotional Challenges: Development and validation of the Self-Competence in Death Work Scale. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 50(1), 99-107.
  • Chan, W. C. H. (2014). Relationships between psychosocial issues and physical symptoms of Hong Kong Chinese palliative care patients: Insights into social workers' role in symptoms management. British Journal of Social Work, 44(8), 2342–2359.
  • Chan, W. C. H., Kwan, C. W., & Chi, I. (2014). Moderating effect of communication difficulty on the relationship between depression and pain: A study on community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong. Aging & Mental Health. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2014.967172
  • Chan, W. C. H. (2011). Being aware of the prognosis: How does it relate to palliative care patients' anxiety and communication difficulty with family members in the Hong Kong Chinese context? Journal of Palliative Medicine, 14(9), 997–1003.
  • Chan, W. C. H., Epstein, I., Reese, D., & Chan, C. L. W. (2009). Family predictors of psychosocial outcomes among Hong Kong Chinese cancer patients in palliative care: Living and dying with the "support paradox." Social Work in Health Care, 48(5), 519–532.