Research Projects

Longitudinal Study of
Adolescents in Hong Kong

Assessments for Teaching
and Learning


Evidence-based School
Improvement Projects

International Network of
Student Learning Assessment

News & Updates

November 2, 2020: Newsletter Volume 34
July 10, 2020: Newsletter Volume 33
January 16, 2020: Curriculum Reform – Shaping the Future: Press release (Chi) (Eng); Powerpoint; Report
December 19, 2019: EAP Research Panel Workshop (Jan 15, 2020) Management of Large Scale Assessment in Education
October 15, 2019: Newsletter Volume 32
September 18, 2019: Summer Research Workshops 2019 - Insights from international to longitudinal studies of PISA Powerpoint
June 28, 2019: Newsletter Volume 31
June 11, 2019: Release of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Field Trial: Press release (Chi) (Eng); Powerpoint
..... December 11, 2018: Newsletter Volume 30
July 18, 2018: 綠色生活與教育 真正回歸自然的未來
May 2, 2018: Newsletter Volume 29
November 21, 2017: Result Release of PISA 2015 Collaborative Problem Solving
October 23, 2017: Registration for Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)
October 23, 2017: Newsletter Volume 28
August 3, 2017: What We Learned From Pisa: The Outstanding Performance Of Students In Hong Kong And East Asia
June 8, 2017: 年青人講座「青年與社會的連繫」簡報
May 31, 2017: Presentations of HKPISA 2015 Science Teacher Seminar
May 22, 2017: Newsletter Volume 27
March 23, 2017: RTHK Programme: Views on 2017特首選舉特輯 - 第二集:教育政綱
March 22, 2017: Registration for HKPISA 2015 Science Teacher Seminar
December 16, 2016: Presentations of HKPISA 2015 School Seminar
December 6, 2016: Release of PISA 2015 Results
November 14, 2016: Registration for HKPISA 2015 School Seminar
November 11, 2016: Newsletter Volume 26
November 11, 2016: Launch of new HKCISA website

Message from the Director

      Established in 2003, our Research Centre aims to facilitate the creation of an effective global assessment and monitoring system in Hong Kong and to establish a rich database, which can inform education stakeholders of youths’ readiness to participate in further study, work, and community affairs. The objectives of the Centre are:
1. to include Hong Kong in the network of international student assessment projects;
2. to promote collaboration among international agencies such as OECD, World Bank and UNESCO, CUHK and the Government on assessment policies;
3. to monitor student competencies including academic achievement and beyond from an international perspective;
4. to illuminate quality and equality issues within the context of local schooling;
5. to train evaluators and practitioners in education to monitor school performance; and
6. to empower scholars in assessing student performance and school effectiveness in Hong Kong, other Chinese societies, and Asia-Pacific regions.
      This is a new page of the HKCISA, I wish you all continue support our professional and meaningful works.
Esther Sui Chu HO
Director, Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment (HKCISA)