APRU Global Health Working Group Webinars: Teaching in Virtual Environments (Part II)

The APRU Global Health Working Group Webinars: Teaching in Virtual Environments (Part II) series is organized by the APRU Global Health Program at the University of Southern California and the Global STEM Education Program at the University of Oregon. Transitioning courses online has provided opportunities for innovation. Teaching experts from APRU member universities will share online teaching innovations during the webinars.

The series consists of three sessions:

  1. Technology for Online Teaching (13 November 2020)
  2. Equity and Access in Remote Teaching (4 December 2020)
  3. Authentic Online Assessment (22 January 2021)


Events Date Time (Hong Kong Time)
Session 1: Technology for Online Teaching



·         Ms. Elly Vandegrift, Program Director for Global Science Education Initiatives, Division of Global Engagement, University of Oregon

·         Prof. Julie Clarke, Associate Professor in Competition Law, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne


Friday, 13 November 2020 10:00am
Session 2: Equity and Access in Remote Teaching



·         Ms. Elly Vandegrift, Program Director for Global Science Education Initiatives, Division of Global Engagement, University of Oregon

·         Mr. Michael Antonio Mendoza, University of Philippines Manila


Friday, 4 December 2020 10:00am
Session 3: Authentic Online Assessment



·         Dr. Mona Monfared, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, UC Davis

·         Dr. Fun Man Fung, Instructor, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore


Friday, 22 January 2021 10:00am


Registration for the sessions is now open. For more information, please refer to https://apru.org/event/apru-global-health-working-group-webinars-teaching-in-virtual-environments-part-ii/.

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