Visit by University of Exeter
Prof. Gabriel Lau, Co-Director of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability at CUHK (1st left), and Prof. Gavin Shaddick, Head of the Department of Mathematics at Exeter (2nd right), both Co-Directors of ENSURE, speak at the Global Conversation lecture.
A year after the launch of the CUHK-University of Exeter (Exeter) Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE), a 5-member delegation from Exeter led by its Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Prof. Sir Steve Smith visited CUHK in April 2019 to review the progress of the joint centre and discuss new areas for collaboration. The delegation was welcomed by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. FOK Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, among other representatives. The delegation also took the opportunity to tour an on-campus mobile exhibition on climate change organised by the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change.
While in Hong Kong, Exeter organised the Global Conversation lecture titled ‘Can Big Data Save Lives? Protecting Hong Kong Against Air Pollution and Extreme Weather’ at the Hong Kong Observatory which attracted over 100 participants from academia, government, and public and private sectors. Prof. Gabriel Lau and Prof. Gavin Shaddick, Co-Directors of ENSURE, were among the speakers.
Prof. Rocky S. Tuan welcomes a delegation from Exeter led by its Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Prof. Sir Steve Smith (front row, 4th left).