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CUHK-University of Manchester Research Fund
(For CUHK and UoM faculty)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The University of Manchester (UoM) share a common vision to expand the frontiers of knowledge and contribute to the betterment of societies. To capitalise the research strengths of both world-class universities and to create greater impact, a joint CUHK-UoM Research Fund was established in 2015–16 to build and strengthen research collaboration between the two universities.
In recognition of the success achieved during the past three years, the joint research fund has developed into a second phase with two tracks:
a) Seed-corn Fund
The Seed-corn Fund is intended for researchers at CUHK and UoM to undertake short-term exchange visits to jointly define new research questions or to consolidate existing links. It allows for initial groundwork including meetings, team building, and in some instances paper writing or pilot studies. All subject areas will be accepted and proposals related to the following fields are encouraged: Cancer, Neuroscience, Energy and Climate Change, Future Cities, Advanced Materials, and Global Inequalities. The Seed-corn Fund will support up to three projects in 2019 with a maximum award of £10,000 per project.
For more information on the Seed-corn Fund, please visit here.
b) Strategic Research Fund
The Strategic Research Fund aims to support projects resulted from efforts supported by the Seed-corn Fund or other existing collaborations as well as research projects that are related to the strategic research areas of CUHK and UoM. It seeks to support research projects that address novel research questions and generate preliminary data that will lay the ground for future large-scale external research bids. Projects must align with one of the following areas of mutual research strengths of CUHK and UoM: China Studies, Translational Biomedicine, and Environment and Sustainability. The Strategic Research Fund will support up to two projects in 2019 with a maximum award of £45,000 per project.
For more information on the Strategic Research Fund, please visit here.
Any queries should be directed to:
CUHK Coordinator: Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links
e: oliviakwok@cuhk.edu.hk, t: +852 3943 1315
UoM Coordinator: Joanne Jacobs, Senior International Officer
e: joanne.jacobs@manchester.ac.uk, t: +44 (0)161 306 1716
Past Awarded Projects
Last updated on May 2020